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Cant view 'HTTPS' pages on my customers site


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On the site I did for a customer:




When I click on the 'my account' or 'checkout' links, I get 'Page Not Found' errors.


The weird thing is on his PC, he gets no such errors. He can place orders, etc.


I was able to view these pages before....What happened!!?




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I clicked on My Account and it came up fine for me


but this did happen to me once on pc WinXP, iE 6.6 - also sometimes when I hit reload the same thing happens


what I found was that when I installed headertag controller I had accidentally put


on the same line as the next php echo and ie was touchy about how it read the page


not sure if this applies to you

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When I clicked on the link you gave....a page came up with no images and the page was not formatted right.....weird...


I then tried to refresh the page...and this error came up:


'An error occurred in the secure channel support'


What is happening??

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