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The e-commerce.

Please help me :(


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Hello, I have been trying to get oscommerce to work for the last week, I finally got it working, after diagnosing the problems, etc but now just as i thought everything would be fine, i clicked register to test create account, but i got a 404 error, i clicked login, another 404 error. I left my mouse over the login link and noticed it was linking to https://whateverpagehere , not http://whateverpagehere . So i thought maybe the problem was with ssl, so i reinstalled oscommerce and enabled ssl connections, but same thing was happening. I dont know if its my server, not setup right or its my control panel. Because in my ftp, aside from things like stats there is httpdocs(where i have been putting all public files for the web) and httpsdocs. So maybe i am supposed to upload oscommerce in httpsdocs? please, please help me :cry:

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plz, im sorry for this "bump up" post. but i realy need the help, and know nobody who has any idea. plz someone help me out :cry:

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