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:!: Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: /home/f


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when I go into admin section and then Catalog I get this error message at the top of the screen. :::


Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: /home/frenik/public_html/catalog/images/


I noticed after getting this error message that when I tried to upload a picture for a products I got these messages :::


Warning: Unable to create '/home/frenik/public_html/catalog/images/lgcdr.jpg': No such file or directory in /home/frenik/public_html/rep/catalog/admindir/includes/functions/general.php on line 789


Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/phpTMzpRn' to '/home/frenik/public_html/catalog/images/lgcdr.jpg' in /home/frenik/public_html/rep/catalog/admindir/includes/functions/general.php on line 789



I was wondering if someone could help me through this error and or problem with my site.... Location :


CATALOG LOCATION :::: http://www.frenik.com/rep/catalog


ADMIN LOCATION ::::::: http://www.frenik.com/rep/catalog/admindir



Please contact or reply if you can help, thank you for your time....



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I think you can fix this. Look at the path in your error statement.


What is wrong with this path?




Yep the /rep/ part of the path is missing. Shouldn't it be?





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