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First Data Global Gateway e4 AIM - New Module release


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I would go through the installation pdf file and double check to make sure that you have followed all the (detailed) instructions.

If they are all OK, I would also check whether you need HTTPS on your site for this to work, and if so whether your HTTPS is set up correctly.

osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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On 6/15/2017 at 2:34 PM, OldBuickParts said:

I have just installed this module and am getting the following error:

Warning: stream_context_set_option(): called with wrong number or type of parameters; please RTM in /homepages/17/********/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php on line 43

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Unauthorized in /homepages/17/******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php:45 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/17/********/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php(45): SoapClient->__doRequest('<?xml version="...', 'https://api.glo...', 'http://secure2....', 1, 0) #1 [internal function]: SoapClientHMAC->__doRequest('<?xml version="...', 'https://api.glo...', 'http://secure2....', 1, 0) #2 /homepages/17/*********/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php(185): SoapClient->__call('SendAndCommit', Array) #3 /homepages/17/*******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php(185): SoapClientHMAC->SendAndCommit(Array) #4 /homepages/17/*******/htdocs/includes/classes/payment.php(181): gge4_cc_aim->before_process() #5 /homepages/17/*******/htdocs/checkout_process.php(81): payment->before_process() #6 {main} thrown in /homepages/17/*******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php on line 45


I reduced the p/w length to 14

Any help is much appreciated.

After many hours of reading these posts, I reinstalled it a second time this time also installing a demo account and keep getting the same error as before.  It looks like others have had this same error and gotten past it, but my dense gray matter won't allow me to see the forest for the trees.  Can someone give me a step by step walk through of what to fix?  My boss is getting pretty mad.

Warning: stream_context_set_option(): called with wrong number or type of parameters; please RTM in /****/**/******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php on line 43

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Unauthorized in /****/**/******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php:45 Stack trace: #0 /****/**/******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php(45): SoapClient->__doRequest('<?xml version="...', 'https://api.dem...', 'http://secure2....', 1, 0) #1 [internal function]: SoapClientHMAC->__doRequest('<?xml version="...', 'https://api.dem...', 'http://secure2....', 1, 0) #2 /****/**/******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php(185): SoapClient->__call('SendAndCommit', Array) #3 /****/**/******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php(185): SoapClientHMAC->SendAndCommit(Array) #4 /****/**/******/htdocs/includes/classes/payment.php(181): gge4_cc_aim->before_process() #5 /****/**/******/htdocs/checkout_process.php(81): payment->before_process() #6 {main} thrown in /****/**/******/htdocs/includes/modules/payment/gge4_cc_aim.php on line 45

Running OSc2.3.4 on 1&1 host using php 5.6 (the lowest I can go)

Thanks again for all your help in advance.



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On 11/13/2020 at 12:24 PM, OldBuickParts said:

It's back!  Had this module working for 3 years and all of a sudden I am getting the SOAP Fault error again.  What could my host have changed to cause this?

I've been working with this module as well and encountered the same SOAP error. The problem is that the function that creates the context stream, SoapClientHMAC(), was put in the wrong place. As a result, the context stream is never actually created, so a NULL is passed to the stream_context_set_option() function, which causes an error. If you move the entire "function SoapClientHMAC()" block into the SoapClientHMAC class, it fixes the error.

Also, there is no need to change your password to something shorter. Instead, change the substr() lengths from 16 to 32, which is the current maximum.

I submitted an update to this module that includes these fixes: https://apps.oscommerce.com/OHF0I&amp;first-data-global-gateway-e4-aim

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