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Where would my host find the version number?


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ask your web host - they should know, or they have no business offering it to their customers


you can also look at the top of one of the files and you should see a creation date and potentially a version number


and I am not watching this thread :D

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Who is your host? (not that that would help me, but I am courious)


My host had it installed and it was at least a few months old I think.... I just downloaded and installed my own


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We are the host. Many scripts contain a version number in the header, in the metas or in the head somewhere and almost all scripts have a current version number included in the admin panel.


I see this nowhere in OS commerce. We constantly update to the latest version, however being a new script I am now digging through the files to see what version this user has.


It is possible for ten users to have differnet versions depending on when they ran the installer.


Might be a nice feature to add to OS commerce.



ask your web host - they should know, or they have no business offering it to their customers


you can also look at the top of one of the files and you should see a creation date and potentially a version number


and I am not watching this thread :D


If you have a useful reply I'd be happy to hear it.






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Usually, when you download the latest snapshot you have the file which is named via the date the snapshot was made.


Another way to check that might work is peek inside the CVS folders and see what date the Entries folders are and the most recent you find will be the date you loaded.


I might recommend that you also provide your customers with a copy of the original snapshot should they need it. As, often time you will. :D

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As a client I would expect to get some support on scripts provided with my account. It is very frustrating for your client as well as the volunteers here when nobody knows anything.


At least some instructions that yes, you can set it up and run it "as is" but any customization takes a bit of HTML knowledge, a good understanding of Cascading Style Sheets, and at least a basic understanding of php and mySql.

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As a client I would expect to get some support on scripts provided with my account. It is very frustrating for your client as well as the volunteers here when nobody knows anything.  


At least some instructions that yes, you can set it up and run it "as is" but any customization takes a bit of HTML knowledge, a good understanding of Cascading Style Sheets, and at least a basic understanding of php and mySql.


Erm....what do you call this? I dont know of a single host that supports 3rd party scripts, yet here we are.


my .02




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Okay,.....this isn't the place to debate the merits of your host.


Matt has provided the path to find the version of the script you are using and that was the neccessary information.

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Glowhost ... as this is software that the customer will be customizing. I might suggest that you give them also a full copy of the zip/tar file that you are loading on their site.


They need the files anyway to work on as php is not something you work on via Cpanel.


This would then provide them with the exact date of what snapshot you loaded on a per site basis.

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