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The e-commerce.

I need to set 2 price levels retail and wholesale


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I will have a few wholesale customers that will want to purchase via the web site, besides the retail customers. I would like to be able to set a wholesale price that they will see when they are logged in as a wholesaler.


Any suggestions on how to accomplish this are welcome.


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This would be of interest to me also.


Is there a way of giving different wholesale prices depending which category is selected e.g.

category 1 - 10% discount

category 2 - 25% discount


Also is it possible to add tax to the wholesale price without affecting the retail price?


I have looked at the following contributions which are not quite right for my site but are almost there!


Customer specific discount percentage

Seperate Pricing Per Customer


Does anyone know how to modify the contributions to include the above options or point me in the right direction?



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am looking for something likke this also. I have this with my current ecommerce cart I am using now, and need to have retail and wholesale priceing also, I would like for it to to show retail pricing for eberyone but the wholsale buyer, it would be nice if the wholesale buyer could see the retail and the wholesale price.

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  • 1 month later...
I am looking for something likke this also. I have this with my current ecommerce cart I am using now, and need to have retail and wholesale priceing also, I would like for it to to show retail pricing for eberyone but the wholsale buyer, it would be nice if the wholesale buyer could see the retail and the wholesale price.


i am looking for something like that to but i have got three prices "retail, wholesale, supplyer"

i allready have the seperate pricinging mod installed but it would also need a modification like


i dont know in maybe the product_info.php

"Not Logged" in or "Logged in Retail" = Show retail price

"Logged in Wholesale" = Show price wholesale + Show retail price as info so the Wholesaler can see how much he could flogg the produkt for and the same for the supplyer

"Logged in Supplyer" = Show price Supplyer + Show retail price & wholesale price as info"


if anybody could piont me in the right direction on witch files to edit, i maybe could figure it out!?


if there is a constribution that does is please post url


if anybody out there know what i am talking about, and know how to do thies easely please feel free to post code


i am only a newbee but with a litle help from all i think thies would be cool for futher relases of OSC


Regards Thorsten [/b]

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I am looking for something likke this also. I have this with my current ecommerce cart I am using now, and need to have retail and wholesale priceing also, I would like for it to to show retail pricing for eberyone but the wholsale buyer, it would be nice if the wholesale buyer could see the retail and the wholesale price.


i am looking for something like that to but i have got three prices "retail, wholesale, supplyer"

i allready have the seperate pricinging mod installed but it would also need a modification like


i dont know in maybe the product_info.php

"Not Logged" in or "Logged in Retail" = Show retail price

"Logged in Wholesale" = Show price wholesale + Show retail price as info so the Wholesaler can see how much he could flogg the produkt for and the same for the supplyer

"Logged in Supplyer" = Show price Supplyer + Show retail price & wholesale price as info"


if anybody could piont me in the right direction on witch files to edit, i maybe could figure it out!?


if there is a constribution that does is please post url


if anybody out there know what i am talking about, and know how to do thies easely please feel free to post code


i am only a newbee but with a litle help from all i think thies would be cool for futher relases of OSC


Regards Thorsten [/b]


This would suit me for giving different customers different discounts.Great if the answer is found.

Best Rgds


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I am also going to need to do both wholesale and retail pricing. In this case, it's not a matter of a fixed percentage discount. At this point, I am thinking I will do 2 installs of osc each in a separate folder/directory using the same images and hopefully the same database, probably have to do separate admin as well.


I'll be looking here to see what other ideas people have. I just got started with osc.

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I need to do this also. The only thing I am aware of is giving the individual customers discounts with that contributiion. But to do a wholesale discount globally could we just copy the whole oscommerce files to another directory or would this not work because this other directory would need to have a different name than "catalog"?

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  • 6 months later...

has anyone found a solution to that ?


I have to set up 3 prices (retail - organisations - business/wholesale). I did install b2bsuite but It has damage my osCommerce that i cannot access because of non-understanding of what to do.


Does anyone could advise me about what to do to get back to my ex-osCommerce, knowing, the backup does not work, I did ask a few weeks ago for help, but still be stuck there... So I cannot go back to before...


What should I use next to solve manage the Os Commerce this way (3 prices) ?


Thanks for you help :o

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I am interested in feedback regarding *how* people set their prices. All the contributions I have seen apply a % discount to the full retail price - I have not found this to be the common method used in the real world for calculating prices.


For example, in my own situation i have:


Cost: how much the goods cost me.


Base Wholesale: calculated using a % *markup* from cost


Manufacturer: calculated using a % markup from Base Wholesale


Retailer: calculated using a % markup from the Manufacturer's price


Full Retail: calculated using a % markup from the retailer's price.



So, I have five price fields in admin and use javascript to populate the remaining fields after I enter the cost price. These prices are all stored separately in the database, and customers are flagged as to which prices will show once logged in.



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There are two general ways to do this, one store or two separate stores. With one store, it is necessary to modify the database to add fields to both the customers and products tables. That is the easy part. The much more difficult requirement is to code changes in certain of the php files. This requires a good working knowledge of php and a clear understanding of how oscommerce works. I have such a system in development but not ready for deployment.


The easier method is to use two separate stores. At least one field must be added to the products table for the additonal price information. I also modify the customers table and use a modified member approval module in the wholesale store for activation and deactivation of wholesale customers. I make it so wholesale customers must be activated and logged in to access the catalog (and see the prices). I have a form where interested parties can apply to be wholesale customers. This creates the account, but does not activate it. Thus back-office approval is required for access.


Additionally, I use a modified "product listing multi" module for displaying the category pages with both the wholesale and retail (SRP) prices. I have also modified the products table and the product listing and product info files to add and display addiional fields for product information such as specifics about the product pack or contents. Naturally, there are mods to the admin section as well. Coding changes are required in certain php files, but not so extensively as in a one-store solution.


The main downsides to the two-store solution are that 1) two databases must be maintained (although it could be done with one but that approaches the one-store solution in complexity which is why I began development on that); and 2) inventory control (if you use it) is problematical. One could create a stand-alone mysql routine to gleen the information from the two databases and produce a report useful to the store operator or the operator could simply combine sales figures and do their own inventory control. The former suits a large databse of products while the latter is easy enough to do for a modest product count.


Even the easier two-store solution, i.e., creation of the wholesale store, is not for the faint of heart and the exact requirements are far too extensive to post on the forum. Besides which, I make my living in part by doing this, so I am a tad reluctant to just publish my work (forgive me for that, please). I don't mind giving hints, such as I have done above, though I realize there is not nearly enough information presented for one to proceed with confidence. An experienced programmer could do this without my hints if enough time is invested in understanding how oscommerce works.


I maintain multiple two-store installations that I have created for clients who sell to both dealers and consumers, and though I am not writing this to solicit business I cannot help but see that this thread has gone on for almost a year with no solution offered, so I thought some sort of positive reply would be appropriate.


Please feel free to PM or email.


Kind regards,


Ralph Huntington

(aka Klaatu)

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