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View Counter

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I don't use xampp but maybe they have changed how localhost is defined or maybe that is part of your computer if you have a newer OS. Try looking at your computers hosts file (location varies with the OS so you need to look that up) and if there is an entry for

::1			 localhost

change it to

# ::1			 localhost

Be sure there is a line that reads	   localhost

Unless xampp is overriding it, that should do it.

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I don't use xampp but maybe they have changed how localhost is defined or maybe that is part of your computer if you have a newer OS. Try looking at your computers hosts file (location varies with the OS so you need to look that up) and if there is an entry for

::1			 localhost

change it to

# ::1			 localhost

Be sure there is a line that reads	 localhost

Unless xampp is overriding it, that should do it.

Awesome. Works perfect now. Thank you Jack, most appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jack,


Trying to install the mod, noticed that in the file column_left.php didn't use the lines you described to add:

6) In admin/includes/column_left.php, look for require(DIR_WS_BOXES...

or include(DIR_WS_BOXES..., and add this line before it:


require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'view_counter.php');


Is there now a different way of placing the code?



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  • 2 weeks later...

A new version has been uploaded with the following changes:


- Added a tool to allow the blocking of countries.

- Changed the tool layout to be easier to work with.

- Changed links on color page to make them fail - color page is for setting colors only.

- Changed database file to use innodb tables.

- Changed jquery load statements to remove the http protocol which was causing the dialog to fail when used with FF.

- Converted code to use IP2Location's database instead of their site, which they stopped.

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Hi Jack,


any chance of uploading a screenshot of how this looks in admin?


Many Thanks

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Here you go. I'm glad you asked for this since I found in making it the package I uploaded didn't have all of the fixes in it. I've uploaded another now that should be correct.http://www.oscommerce-solution.com/images/view_counter.png.


I tried adding the above as an image but the code was mangled. The screenshot is also in the package now in case this link doesn't stay here.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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Thanks Jack - looks comprehensive - does it show cart contents for unregistered customers?

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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I get an error when trying to do the install. Should I have pasted my key into the PHP that installs the SQL tables?

1048 - Column 'set_function' cannot be null
INSERT INTO configuration ( configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added, use_function ) VALUES (NULL, 'API Key','VIEW_COUNTER_API_KEY', 'Your API KEY', 'Enter your IPInfoDB.com API Key here.
You can get your key at http://ipinfodb.com/register.php', '48561', '2', NULL, now(), NULL)

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You don't need to include the boxes in the left column with the new version of osCommerce. Thanks to some pretty hefty coders, anything in the directory is now include in the left column Alphabetically. Not exactly sure how, but I always skip over that part of the code when it says to edit column_left.php

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@@newburns For the database error, find the following in the view_counter_install.php file

   $fields = " configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added, use_function ";
   $db_sql_array = array(array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'ON/OFF', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLED', 'false', 'View Counter <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'API Key','VIEW_COUNTER_API_KEY', 'Your API KEY', 'Enter your IPInfoDB.com API Key here.<br><br>You can get your key at http://ipinfodb.com/register.php', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Active Time','VIEW_COUNTER_ACTIVE_TIME', '10', 'The numbre of minutes to show active visitors.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Bad Bot Trap', 'VIEW_COUNTER_BAD_BOT_TRAP', 'Email', 'Choose how to handle the bad bot trap.<br><br><b>Ban:</b> Ban the IP<br><b>Email:</b> Send an Email containing the IP<br><b>Both:</b> Both of the above<br><b>Off:</b> Nothing will be done', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'Ban\', \'Email\', \'Both\', \'Off\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Force Reset','VIEW_COUNTER_FORCE_RESET', '2', 'The maximum number of days to keep the IP\'s in the database. The View counter table will grow very large if not cleared and data over a few days is probably of no use.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Force Reset Storage','VIEW_COUNTER_FORCE_RESET_STORAGE', '14', 'The maximum number of days to keep the IP\'s in the storage table. This table is used for reports. It will grow very large if not cleared on a regular basis.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Hide Admin Links','VIEW_COUNTER_HIDE_ADMIN_LINKS', '', 'Do not show admin links for these IP\'s. Use a comma separted list for multiple IP\'s.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Kick Off', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLE_KILL_SESSION', 'false', 'Enable the ability to kick off customes.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Page Refresh Period','VIEW_COUNTER_PAGE_REFRESH', '120', 'How often, in seconds, to refresh the main page in admin.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Rows Per Page','VIEW_COUNTER_MAX_ROWS', '20', 'The maximum number of rows to display in the list.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Send Emails To','VIEW_COUNTER_SEND_EMAILS_TO', '', 'The email address any emails created by View Counter will be sent to. If left empty, the shops email address will be used.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Show Flags', 'VIEW_COUNTER_SHOW_FLAGS', 'true', 'Display the country flags. Turning this off will speed up the display. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Show Account Details', 'VIEW_COUNTER_SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', 'true', 'Display the account details of the visitor, if possible. If multiple accounts exist, they will all be shown. Enabling this option may cause a slow-down, depending upon the site. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES (NULL, 'Version Checker', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLE_VERSION_CHECKER', 'false', 'Enable to automatically check if a new version is available. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"));

and change it to

   $fields = " configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added, use_function ";
   $db_sql_array = array(array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'ON/OFF', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLED', 'false', 'View Counter <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'API Key','VIEW_COUNTER_API_KEY', 'Your API KEY', 'Enter your IPInfoDB.com API Key here.<br><br>You can get your key at http://ipinfodb.com/register.php', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Active Time','VIEW_COUNTER_ACTIVE_TIME', '10', 'The numbre of minutes to show active visitors.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Bad Bot Trap', 'VIEW_COUNTER_BAD_BOT_TRAP', 'Email', 'Choose how to handle the bad bot trap.<br><br><b>Ban:</b> Ban the IP<br><b>Email:</b> Send an Email containing the IP<br><b>Both:</b> Both of the above<br><b>Off:</b> Nothing will be done', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'Ban\', \'Email\', \'Both\', \'Off\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Force Reset','VIEW_COUNTER_FORCE_RESET', '2', 'The maximum number of days to keep the IP\'s in the database. The View counter table will grow very large if not cleared and data over a few days is probably of no use.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Force Reset Storage','VIEW_COUNTER_FORCE_RESET_STORAGE', '14', 'The maximum number of days to keep the IP\'s in the storage table. This table is used for reports. It will grow very large if not cleared on a regular basis.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Hide Admin Links','VIEW_COUNTER_HIDE_ADMIN_LINKS', '', 'Do not show admin links for these IP\'s. Use a comma separted list for multiple IP\'s.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Kick Off', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLE_KILL_SESSION', 'false', 'Enable the ability to kick off customes.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Page Refresh Period','VIEW_COUNTER_PAGE_REFRESH', '120', 'How often, in seconds, to refresh the main page in admin.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Rows Per Page','VIEW_COUNTER_MAX_ROWS', '20', 'The maximum number of rows to display in the list.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Send Emails To','VIEW_COUNTER_SEND_EMAILS_TO', '', 'The email address any emails created by View Counter will be sent to. If left empty, the shops email address will be used.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Show Flags', 'VIEW_COUNTER_SHOW_FLAGS', 'true', 'Display the country flags. Turning this off will speed up the display. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Show Account Details', 'VIEW_COUNTER_SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', 'true', 'Display the account details of the visitor, if possible. If multiple accounts exist, they will all be shown. Enabling this option may cause a slow-down, depending upon the site. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  'Version Checker', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLE_VERSION_CHECKER', 'false', 'Enable to automatically check if a new version is available. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"));

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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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Thanks Jack, Will have a go at the install sometime today - One change I will probably carry out is as follows:


in the root .htaccess I will change

# view counter trap anyone trying to access admin
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/admin/"
RewriteRule (.*) view_counter_trap.php [L]



# view counter trap anyone trying to access admin
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/admin/"
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/private/"
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/personal/"
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/secret/"
RewriteRule (.*) view_counter_trap.php [L]

In an attempt to trap people snooping for various common restricted directories.

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Yes, you can add what you want there. The ones you mention aren't common to oscommerce so they aren't included in the instructions. But if you are going to do that, the correct syntax would be

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/admin/" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/private/" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/personal/" [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "/secret/"
RewriteRule (.*) view_counter_trap.php [L]

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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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hello Jac,


I download your new version 1.3 and install it, i use version 2.3.3 and in my admin i can not backup my .htacces file and if i want to look in vieuw counter to monitor it stays empty?

we can be the problem.

greetings Paul


Edited by burt
remove un-necessary link
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Does the backup indicate it worked? Does the htaccess_backups directory exist? For the monitor, have you entered your key? Turned the program on?

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The link you provided is to your admin so I can't see it since it requires a login. If by "page is white" you mean a completely white page, then that means there is an error. I suppose it could be in the View Counter files but I use the same ones here so it is unlikely. The most likely reason is that there was a mistake made in the installation. You will need to look in the error log to find out what the error is in order to continue.

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Hi Jack,


Trying to install this on a store and having trouble with the database installer.

When I use the install file in the package I get:

1048 - Column 'set_function' cannot be null


INSERT INTO configuration ( configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added, use_function ) VALUES (NULL, 'API Key','VIEW_COUNTER_API_KEY', 'Your API KEY', 'my api-key


You can get your key at http://ipinfodb.com/register.php', '6507', '2', NULL, now(), NULL)




when I use the revised code a couple of posts above I get:


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ON/OFF', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLED', 'false', 'View Counter

(true=on false=off)' at line 1


INSERT INTO configuration ( configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added, use_function ) 'ON/OFF', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLED', 'false', 'View Counter

(true=on false=off)', '6507', '1', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)




any Ideas??

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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The fix for this was posted on the last page. Though I see it doesn't show correctly in IE - looks fine in FF.

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Hi jack,


The first error I get when using the original code.


The second error I get when using the revised code from post No: 40 on the previous page.



Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Yes, there was a mistake in my fix. Please try this code

   $fields = " configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added, use_function ";
   $db_sql_array = array(array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('ON/OFF', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLED', 'false', 'View Counter <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('API Key','VIEW_COUNTER_API_KEY', 'Your API KEY', 'Enter your IPInfoDB.com API Key here.<br><br>You can get your key at http://ipinfodb.com/register.php', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Active Time','VIEW_COUNTER_ACTIVE_TIME', '10', 'The numbre of minutes to show active visitors.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Bad Bot Trap', 'VIEW_COUNTER_BAD_BOT_TRAP', 'Email', 'Choose how to handle the bad bot trap.<br><br><b>Ban:</b> Ban the IP<br><b>Email:</b> Send an Email containing the IP<br><b>Both:</b> Both of the above<br><b>Off:</b> Nothing will be done', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'Ban\', \'Email\', \'Both\', \'Off\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Force Reset','VIEW_COUNTER_FORCE_RESET', '2', 'The maximum number of days to keep the IP\'s in the database. The View counter table will grow very large if not cleared and data over a few days is probably of no use.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Force Reset Storage','VIEW_COUNTER_FORCE_RESET_STORAGE', '14', 'The maximum number of days to keep the IP\'s in the storage table. This table is used for reports. It will grow very large if not cleared on a regular basis.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Hide Admin Links','VIEW_COUNTER_HIDE_ADMIN_LINKS', '', 'Do not show admin links for these IP\'s. Use a comma separted list for multiple IP\'s.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Kick Off', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLE_KILL_SESSION', 'false', 'Enable the ability to kick off customes.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Page Refresh Period','VIEW_COUNTER_PAGE_REFRESH', '120', 'How often, in seconds, to refresh the main page in admin.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Rows Per Page','VIEW_COUNTER_MAX_ROWS', '20', 'The maximum number of rows to display in the list.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Send Emails To','VIEW_COUNTER_SEND_EMAILS_TO', '', 'The email address any emails created by View Counter will be sent to. If left empty, the shops email address will be used.', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', NULL, now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Show Flags', 'VIEW_COUNTER_SHOW_FLAGS', 'true', 'Display the country flags. Turning this off will speed up the display. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Show Account Details', 'VIEW_COUNTER_SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', 'true', 'Display the account details of the visitor, if possible. If multiple accounts exist, they will all be shown. Enabling this option may cause a slow-down, depending upon the site. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"),
					  array("INSERT INTO configuration (" . $fields . ")  VALUES ('Version Checker', 'VIEW_COUNTER_ENABLE_VERSION_CHECKER', 'false', 'Enable to automatically check if a new version is available. <br>(true=on false=off)', '" . $configuration_group_id . "', '" . ($sortID++). "', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'), ', now(), NULL)"));

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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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