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One more thing the .bin file cannot be uploaded to my server...Please can you suggest What is the alternate to it????

And now the monitor link works but does not display anything-Blank (no visitor, admin, bot etc.....) in its below given table

Please your help will be deeply appreciated...

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The .bin file is required. If your host won't allow the upload then you can't use this addon.

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You need to find out the reason for the failure. It may be because your host is preventing it, the file name is triggering a blockage, the file size is too large or maybe something else. Asking you host about it is my first suggestion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have an install error trying to create tables in database

1101 - BLOB/TEXT column 'data' can't have a default value

CREATE TABLE view_counter_flags (ip_number INT( 64 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, data blob DEFAULT '', index idx_ip_number (ip_number)) ENGINE=InnoDB


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So jack you want 75 to install and a db9 is 499.00 lol Nice mod but that leaves me out.

Databases are free. I don't suggest paying for one unless your site is very, very busy and you need better control of the IP's.

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Thanks jack, under view_counter_color.php in admin i get 404,s on all the links

I will go back thru the install to see if i missed something, also when I ran the installer for database I had STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION and had a tech stop so i ran the uninstall but it said it did but i have two sets of View Counter in database. looked in configuration in database. only shows 1 of each


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The big red statement in the header of the color page may provide a clue as to why that is happening. :)

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Thanks jack for the great piece of work.

I have it installed and working on windows 2012 server  

php 5.3

Oscommerce 2.3.4

 Of course there is no .htaccess so have to use url rewrites instead

Windows users should check to see if database is using STRICT_TRANS_TABLES modes before installing view_counter.

Run sql    SET GLOBAL sql_mode = '';      before installing database changes

Thanks again Jack

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  • 2 months later...

A few questions.


I put my address on ignore list but i can still see what i do on viewcounter. So it doesnt seem to filter addresses. Any thoughts?


Can i download storage somehow? Or where is the file located?

Is it possible to show just every IP and then if you press the IP to see "expanded" what exactly this IP has seen on the page? Because right now i get too many pages with the same IP so it is difficult to work with it.


Thank you. 


Edit: Also why dont you also add "Month" on the date?

Edited by NUKE1989
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@@NUKE1989 No one has mentioned a problem with the ignore list and I just tried it here and it worked as expected so I don't have an answer for that problem.


The data View Counter collects is stored in database tables. How long they are stored depends on the setting.


There are various reports you can run for specific IP's.


I am not aware of an "expanded" option so I don't what that refers to. But if the cart is active and has contents, you can scroll over the filename column to see the contents.


There is a setting for the date. You can change it to any format you like. For example, add %M would add the name of the month. You can see all of the commands on this page.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Jack, thanks for share that with us!. 


I would like to ask you some help. I am running ViewCounter 1.5 in a Oscommerce 2.3.1 with 5.3.27 (Zend: 2.3.0) PHP and I am getting this warning message:


Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /home/ipexpres/public_html/pyme/admin/includes/functions/view_counter.php on line 1764


Could you please help me with some idea to fix it?


Thanks a lot in advanced.

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