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Poor or no language packs for osCommerce 2.3.3

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Poor or no language packs for osCommerce 2.3.3


I am now working to set up a multi-language web shop, which will cover the most common 24 languages in Europe. When I'm looking for language packs on http://addons.oscommerce.com/category/Languages ,I can not find many. I then tried to start from 2.2 or 2.3.1 packages and convert to utf-8 and translate some parts myself and add missing files. It is a time consuming and tedious work. I need help from members of this forum, who are native to certain languages, to check my translations and perhaps help to finalize any language packs so they can published as addon. If anyone is interested please email me at [email protected]


I have completed the following languages so far: swedish (my native language), norwegian, dutch, german, italian and spanish.


/ Bertil

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I think the normal way is to post each individual language pack and people will pickup the contribution and add-on to it to improve it


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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