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2.2 or 2.1? That is the question


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Hi. I decided to download 2.1 but I'm wondering, with all the troubles associated with the installing and configuring 2.1, would it be better to go with 2.2?


Can anybody confirm that 2.2 is stable enough to run without troubles? Any feedback would be appreciated.


Also, I had a support request regarding the installing of 2.1 with which I stumbled upon a roadblock.. here are the details of that post in which I recieved 0 responses :(


"Hi everyone. Looks like a great script but unfortunately I can't use it yet. Following the installation instructions, I uploaded both the admin and catalog folders.


However, the next part of the installation says: "Set the permissions on:



/catalog/admin/includes/configure.php to 706 or 777"


But I could not find any "configure.php" file under either of those directories! I tried to search locally for the files within the download and couldn't find them either.


What shall I do?




- Sam"

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