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Harald's Helpdesk not breaking down php strings


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I've got harald's helpdesk installed, but its not breaking down the string properly...


what I mean is, we pipe the mail to the osc_mail2db.php throug the php binary...


well in osc_mail2db.php, the config= isn't getting broken down properly.


I put a send mail in there to figure out where the script was breaking down... with a subject of DIR_FS_ADMIN $config_file...


and it return $config_file as nothing...


so the include($config_file); doesn't work, so I changed it by hand for now to:



and its working if I do that... but why is the part of the script that pulls the config= variable breaking down?


this is the part of the code that is suppsoed to get the config file:

// read arguments

 for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($argv); $i++) {

   if (substr($argv[$i], 0, 7) == 'config=') {

     $config_file_parameter = explode('=', $argv[$i]);

     if (strlen(trim($config_file_parameter[1])) > 0) {

       $config_file = trim($config_file_parameter[1]);





I think my aliases are ok... they are structured like this:


[email protected]: "|/usr/bin/php -q /home/madmac/helpdesk/osc_mail2db.php config=/home/madmac/public_html/admin/includes/configure.php",madmac


that read arugements isn't returning anything for config=

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- Edmund Burke

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