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allprods and sid killer contributions - tricking Google?


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Hi :P


I just installed


02/20/2003 - SID Killer v1.2 Author: Ian Wilson and

03/04/2003 - All Products Page, v2.1 Author: Greg Williams


I remember reading somwhere in this forum that the allprods or sid killer contrib tricks Google into thinking that allprods.php is the index page of the site. I can't remember which one and I can't find the post that discusses this. :cry:


Is this true? I don't like the thought of tricking my good friend Google.


Another question: Is there any advantage over renaming default.php to index.php? Do the search engines like one better than the other?


Thank you :!:


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Just the thought of tricking Google... makes me quiver! :?


Then, once I'm done quivering... 8)

I put a link to 'allprods.php' on my default page, then two hidden links... one each on my header and footer. Be sure to add the hidden links as per the example below after the final '?>' at the bottom of the file.


Hidden link?

Just like this... so you get the link but no text to click on.

<?php /* All Products */  echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('allprods.php', '', 'NONSSL') . '"></a>' ?>


As for tricking Google into think that 'allprods.php' is your home page, I haven't heard anything about this one...

'allprods.php' is designed to make the search engine follow every conceivable link to your sites products.


As for 'index.php' or 'default.php', it doesn't really matter as your server will parse them both the same way.

I personally would leave it as default.php, not for any other purpose than for ease of upgrading and addition of contributions that may call for your 'default.php' file directly.


Hope this helps,


"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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Thanks for responding


I found that thread I mentioned, and it refers to redirecting the spiders or the users. It's an older thread and I just wanted to know if the contrib still does this. Maybe I should ask Ian or Greg directly :)


Spider Catcher http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php...=spider+catcher


I only put a link to allprods.php at the bottom of my categories box as the contrib suggests. I don't like the idea of hidden text.


I guess I will leave it as default.php.


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I just want to know, is htat really a picture of you?


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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and is that one of you? :?


as for Ians Spider Killer, there is a problem with it under SSL - there is a thread called New Spider (search for those 2 words) and you will find a version of the Spider Killer that goes into output_html.php that works really well.

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My spider killer code does nothing like this. I don't thing allprods does either. As Jeff also points out my sid killer has some shortcomings when dealing with moving back and forthe between SSL/NonSSL pages.


For ease of installation, you should consider Burt's spider detector, which Jeff also mentioned.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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and is that one of you? :?  

really well.


Haha! Are you kidding? That little green guy is *much* better looking than am!


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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I would advise strongly against placing any hidden links anywhere on your website. This is the kind of thing will get you banned from Google. Place a link to the all products page on your homepage and the search engines will find it no sweat.

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Thanks all of you for responding to my post!


wizardsandwars - Yes that's really me. Wanna see the whole pic? http://www.directmotion.com/help or get 5.0 Mustang Magazine's 2003 calendar - Mrs. December :wink:


jchasick - Thanks for the tip!


Ian - Sorry to have wrongfully accused you :oops: I'll look into Burt's spider detector if your contrib ever gives me trouble. One question: If I have cookies enabled I never get a osCid, not even after an item is placed in the cart or after I log in (no SSL at this time). Everything seems to function fine though. Is that ok?


skarra - Yeah, I wouldn't place hidden links either...seems like one should be enough.


What I've done so far for Google

1. SID Killer

2. All Products Page

3. Linda's meta tags


Thanks again guys, you've really helped a lot!


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One question: If I have cookies enabled I never get a osCid, not even after an item is placed in the cart or after I log in


That's normal behaviour

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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  • 1 month later...
wizardsandwars - Yes that's really me. Wanna see the whole pic? http://www.directmotion.com/help or get 5.0 Mustang Magazine's 2003 calendar - Mrs. December :wink:


Is that your car as well? :P

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein

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