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Shipping tax not shown separately


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Hi everyone. I have spent about a week trying to sort this out to no avail.


I'm in Australia and need to charge GST on shipping costs from my store. I have set up table rate shipping and linked tax class to Taxable Goods (set up in my store to be 10% for GST). The tax calculation works fine and in order totals at checkout the amount is correct.


Problem is it is just a lump sum of shipping plus tax. I need to show the amounts seperate, just as it appears for products with tax.


No matter what combination of order I use for the modules in Order Total, I ALWAYS end up with output like this:


Items cost (ex tax)

Subtotal (ex tax)

Tax amount (only on items)

Shipping (inc tax)

TOTAL (inc tax)


I need:


Items cost (ex tax)

Shipping (ex tax)

Subtotal (ex tax)

Tax amount (items and shipping)

TOTAL (inc tax)


Does anyone have some advice on where to start trying to fix this? Order of modules within Order Total has had no impact.


Thanks in advance




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There must be a solution out there somewhere... I have searched and searched but not quite finding it.


I would not believe that every Australian user who does happen to be registered for GST (not requid under $75k turnover) is breaching tax code by not disclosing the actual GST amount charged in the sale and has done nothing about it!



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If you set up a tax rate and tax class for shipping and then assign that shipping method that tax class, then it will show up separately on the invoice. No contribution needed.







Hi Chris


No luck there, this is what I have done and it is calculating and applying the tax correctly but it is not showing the individual amounts on separate lines. Just "Shipping" total inclusive of tax.



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@@DunWeb I totally agree with you and am fairly certain there is not much to the setup... but can't grasp why it will not show...


I have a tax class and tax rate that apply, and the math is correct in adding 10% to the shipping cost but it is still coming through to the invoice in one line item. See image here of my output based on:


$1.00 product plus 10% GST = $1.10 (all good)

$0.10 Table Rate plus 10% GST = $0.11 (all good but not showing the $0.01 tax on its own just the toal of $0.11)


Products Model Tax Price (ex) Price (inc) Total (ex) Total (inc) 1 x test product 10% $1.00 $1.10 $1.00 $1.10 Table Rate (Best Way): $0.11 Sub-Total: $1.10 GST: $0.11 Total: $1.21

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Chris is correct its all in the admin. I have my store set up with separate taxes on shipping;


In admin localization/taxes ;


1) set up Tax Zone (ex. GST Shipping)... attached countries and zones

2) set up Tax Class (ex GST Shipping)

3) set up Tax Rate (ex GST Shipping)... attach Tax Class, zone and rate


In admin Modules / Shipping


1) Attached shipping mod of choice to Tax Class (ex GST Shipping)...


That's it. And it looks like this;


Sub-Total: CAD $7.20 Canada & US Post (1 box(es) to be shipped) (Expedited, 2013-02-05): CAD $4.73 HST #********** RT0001: CAD $0.94 HST on shipping: CAD $0.61 Total: CAD $13.48

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  • 3 weeks later...

Goodmorning to all of you.


While trying to find why duplicating a shipping module to a "store_pickup" isn't working I installed the zone based shipping module... (which worked) I found that it is indeed possible to get two taxes on the checkout confirmation page, if you also have enabled order total.


This is possible since they are independent on each other. So, it's a bug, not a feature wrt to have separate outputs of taxes and shipping.


"Early bird catches the world..."



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