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Category Descriptions 1.1 Problem


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I understand this contribution has been installed by a number of you without a hitch. I thought I had done so as well. Everything seemed to be working fine until I attempted to edit a product and found that everytime I tried in the admin panel it just sent me back to the list of products in the categoty - no edit page. Right now I have no way of editing or even adding a product.


Furthermore I notice that when I preview a category at the bottom of the page there is the "add a new product interface". So seems like some way along the line I'm tapping into the products code to add and edit categories to the detriment of adding or editing products.


I wouldln't even know what code to post here (no error messages and I thought I followed the instructions flawlessly) but hopefully one of you who have made mods to this might know what the problem is (long shot I know. Will gladly provide more details). Great contribution though.

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