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The e-commerce.

!!!HELP!!! SSL Problems


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I have recently set up OSCommerce and installed the following mods: Nochex, PayPal, Moneybookers, Dual Zones (Shipping) and updated my locations zones with probably just about every zone I could find.


The store works just great, pages link fine, files are there, I have even tinkered with a couple of infoboxes, etc, etc.


When making a test purchase however this happens.


It lets me create a customer account (via SSL), emails confirmation, etc, but when I try to checkout I get error 404 message checkout_shipping.php file not found, if I try to select My Account on the bar I get, error 404 account.php file not found. Now I have tried loging in and I get a similar message error 404 login.php file not found.


The rest of the site works fine via SSL just these key features don't.

I am sure it must be something I have done, but can someone help, please!


I don't know if the URL would help anyone figure out what is wrong but here it is just in case: http://www.4frontdirect.com.




If only this thing would do what I mean and not what I say!

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I mean this is just a sugestion


but why not just run the whole site on the ssl



I personally hate the "parts of this page are not sucure" etc


that would most deff fix your problem


it sounds though that perhaps some of your ssl config settings are wrong


have fun


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:D Thanks for your advise, I did finally manage to track down the problem, pesky little thing.


I am not too keen on running the site completely through SSL as I have heard this can slow the site down and, as I am on a shared server, I don't want to distrupt the service for my fellow sharers. I will consider your advice when we switch to dedicated though.


Once again, many thanks



If only this thing would do what I mean and not what I say!

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