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Can I send specific/targeted invoice? PLEASE HELP!


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I'll try to be brief.


Had Paypal, got banned (adult material), installed authorize.net, all is right with the world excpet for one thing... I cannot send individual personalized invoices.


Here's the current process:


1. Buyer adds items to cart.

2. Buyer checks-out and used authorize.net gateway

3. Payment authorized (hopefully) and buyer returns to site to download products bought


That is fine most of the time. Here's my problem... I sometimes work out bulk deals or give my repeat buyers occasional discounts. What I have done in the past is work out the deal with my buyer, send a Paypal invoice (no longer an option), and they pay, and I manually put their items together and send to them (or mail if real paperback). I can no longer do any of this, and I don't think I can send individual invoices from authorize.net.


Here's how I think it COULD work, if I just knew how to do it.


1. Customer & I talk, we work out whatever deal we work out.

2. I log into my back-office, create a specific invoice for this specific buyer/deal.

3. Send buyer a link to the created invoice.

4. Buyer pays, authorize.net still utilized for verification and funds transfer.

5. I receive notification that payment made and I send the buyer their items.


Is there a contribution or anything that addresses my need?


Thanks in advance and my apologies if anything was confusing.


Sincerely, Greg

Edited by gda63378
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For any having this same issue, I have a simple work-around. I just created a folder on my site called 'CUSTOM ORDERS'. When I strike a deal, I just create a 'product' under my 'CUSTOM ORDERS' category and put in the price. Sort of like an invoice contained within a 'product'. Working for me! Figured I'd share. Pretty simple solution, can't believe it took me a few days to come up with it. We all have our weaknesses. :)

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