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The e-commerce.

name for a leather shop


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www.portablecows.com ? :D


No seriously, my experience is to find a good .com (which gets harder and harder) you just make up loads of them and write them all down,

even the funny / stupid / not-right-sounding ones.


Then you wait a day, read through them, cross out the obvious misses and see what's left.


Doing this for a day or two you ussually come up with a nice one.




"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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If you use a common word that's used in your target market, you get free advertising all the time and that word will eventually provide a subliminal link to your business when it's mentioned.



My aviation domain is www.turningbase.com.


For those who know nothing about aviation or flying... 'base' is a part of an imaginary rectangle you fly when coming in to land. Your radio call when you contact the airfield/airport is to tell them that... you guessed it... 'All stations airfield name, aircraft registration is turning base for runway xyz'


This radio call is made... oh... only about 12 thousand times a day!

So everytime it gets said... it's just another feather in the cap of advertising.


Another advantage is that a common word for that industry will be used more in specific search engine searches... back to my example, if a someone wants to look up information or procedures on 'turning base' my site will be there.

A great example of this is, Google.

If you search for 'turning base', www.turningbase.com is ranked 7th.

If you search for 'turning base aviation', www.turningbase.com is now ranked 1st.


These are pretty good rankings... though there a few things to note that relate to a good name and these examples:

1. I only have 1 page on the web with Turning Base information for my upcoming site

2. I haven't really put much effort into meta tags for the information page

3. I haven't done ANY submissions or 'pay per clicks' with ANY search engines

4. I haven't done ANY external advertising... since my site is still in progress


Another tip for search engines that I've found... since they take a while to update your information if you don't pay for submissions or 'pay per clicks' provide a default.php page where your upcoming site will be going... that way, when people look up (back to my example) 'turning base' on the search engine, even though it may list my information page, when they click on it, the freshly opened www.turningbase.com store will be loaded. Reason for using default.php is that the search engine will list your link as, www.turningbase.com and not www.turningbase.com/information.html which may not be a valid file in the final site design.


I did exactly what Mattice did when I choose my name... and made a list of about 25 different names. Getting someone else to look over your list is a good idea too... especailly if they will give you an honest opinon. My wife came up with the final name and it wasn't even on the list! I'd gotten attached to my little list of name, and a couple of the names on there I still like... but they were unique, would never be remembered easily or searched for unless it was something specific to my business... and she didn't lay off me when I was trying to promote them to her... ends up her idea was the best one yet, and I'm EXTREMELY happy with it.


Hope this helps,



I like Mattice's idea... portablecows.com isn't as crazy it sounds... I like it... and would definatly click on it out of curiositry.

Though an animal lover might get put off by it. Like when you eat bacon without even realising that it was once a pig... but when you say that you're eating dead pig... kinda adds a different flavour from there on.

"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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Out of curiosity I actually searched Google for portable + cows


... HD Portable Goat Milker...2 goats at a time, $1,534.00, HD Portable

Cow Milker... $1,395.00, HD Portable Goat Milker...New, $1,395.00, ...


:shock: I will ask one for my next birthday

"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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Does that mean I shouldn't invite you this year??

You people are too perverted, I am just too innocent.



"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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Don't worry Mattice... you're innoccent until proven guily in my view.


I'll tell you what though! If I hear of any orders for fluro, ribbed versions... I know who look for... :lol:


Now that's out of the way... I'll bring the salad this year. :lol:

"The price of success is perseverance. The price of failure comes much cheaper."

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hi, i want to set up a leather shop oscommerce of course, but Im stuck with no name for it. a dot.com Any ideas for a name. leather purse, bags, jackets, and more :D



























I have no idea what is or isn't available.


If you use one, determine what is was worth to you and donate that via paypal to OSC development.

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You might draw the wrong crowd with those... :D

"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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:D mattice has point.


I'd stay away from anything with leather for a dot.com name however, anything off the opposite sex with leather, well, hmmm :wink:

NewsDesk(934) / FAQDesk(1106) / OrderCheck(1168) :::

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You might draw the wrong crowd with those... :D


You have no idea how many I just tossed out because I knew that they would either be taken or give the wrong impression... :P

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