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The e-commerce.

using osc just for the buy page


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i have a web site that has been running,

i have a simple buy page,


now i wish to add a more sophisticated page with a better cart option, and use osc for this.. i wil add on the copoun modules, and different payment gateway mod that i need.


now, what files do I need to call for my buy page from my exisiting web site so cart section of osc would appear?

I would most likely have my own existing header & footer parts, so I may have to call the osc buy page from within a framed html file... unless otherwise recomended by you..


i have 1 single product I am selling that are minutes.. so its actually a service.. so they wont be a cart apart for when i sell volume my users will get a discount..


I also assume i wil need to share my sites db with osc customer db... or extend osc customer table with my extra fields.. and use that..


i would greatly appreciate any feedback from the veterans of ocs out there, since i am quite a newbie with osc..


i guess i will benefit from osc quite a bit.. since it is more than just sophisticate cart system.. so using it as my foundation for my billing, coupon management, discounts, accounting, user management, and other admin features will be my best choice.


any advise on how to approach without making osc my main part of my site or changing my site to be a shopping system will greatly be appreciated.

thnx heaps,


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