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duplicates showing up in upgrade from cvs to ms1


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i upgraded from an older cvs version to ms1 of oscommerce. after upgrading the database and replacing all the catalog and admin scripts, duplicate operations occur and duplicate things show up. not in terms of things like the products, but like options. such as in the admin script, if i click on my store, i get doubles of things like "zone", "switch to default currency", "display cart after adding product", etc. in addition, if you live in pa you're suppose to be charged 6% interest, but they got charged 6% twice (i.e. 12%). in the admin section, pretty much no matter what section i go under, duplicates show up. anyone know why? i think it's b/c there was a problem in the database upgrade, but i'm not sure. suggestions are appreciated.

thanks in advance

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I had the same problen and in my case I did run the upgrade script and by doing that it adds all configurations to the configuration table in the database so it had the same configuration twice. I had to empty that table and insert all into it again with phpmyadmin.


regards, baldur

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