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Probs with Storing Sessions in MySQL


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I'm testing the 2.2MS Version with FoxServ 2.1 (PHP 4.1.1; MySQL 3.23.43-nt). With the default Session handler i've got no problems, but when i start to store the sessions in mysql i get a address-error by apache.

I don't find anything in php.ini oder in config of apache. After a debug process with (?hhhmmm, shame on me) a cracked delphi debugger i don't get this prob anymore.

Is here someone, who have the same Prob? I don't understand why?

My English isn't very well, so plz write it german too (when u speak german)!!


This is the message:


Error in Apache.exe ....Order in adress "0x0096956c" in Space "0x8b2b43b1". Read is not possible..... (Shit translation from german into english - i hope u know what i mean!)


and Delphi shows in debug process this message: access violation in up calling order's or adresses! It'sbefore the zend_hash_internal_pointer_end start's....


So, but that's the only prob which i have. It's a cool system, but i hope u come with an template engine for next version step.....

Before I forgot - Why are using this simply session store process for mysql? It looks like u wrote it from the php reference and not more.....





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