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Shipping fails to appear at checkout--> repeatable bug MS


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I have a problem. Some of the customers checkout without seeing the shipping page and without getting shipping added. I am using MS1 via Ians Loaded5 version.


This bug is repeatable.

- The customer is checking out

-They are in the shipping or payment process.

-They view their cart.

-They remove items from the cart.

-When they return to checkout they skip shipping and go to payment. No shipping fees are added.


I posted checkout_process.php and shopping_cart.php as a text files at:




Store is at http://www.crimescene.com/store/


Login with:

ID [email protected]

PASS: kitten



Crime Scene


PS, I installed the mod the shows shipping in the cart. The creator of it looked over things and said it might be the checkout_process.php This problem appeared before the mod was installed. I had hoped it might shake the trouble out.

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I've just tested this on a reference system, and the shipping cost changes if I leave checkout and then change the cart.


I'll compare your checkout files to mine to see if I can spot the difference.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Just realised,


The files you have posted are unlikely to be the ones causing the problem.


The files that I would need to comapare are checkout_shipping.php and checkout_payment.php

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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I never actually tried your site earlier. Just assumed that the problem was occuring.


I've just visited your site and done the following.


Added 4 items to the cart.


Went to checkout using the login details in this thread.


Progressed to checkout_payment.


The went back to shopping cart page. Removed an item from the cart.


Clicked on checkout.


I was taken to the checkout shipping page with an update shipping cost list.


Seems to work ok for me?

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Thanks for looking at it. I noticed you are running an OS and bowser that is unlike the majority of web surfers. Perhaps its a browser dependent issue? I just tried it with IE6 on win98 and it still failed. If you have time, please try again with another browser running under windows.


FYI: Moments agao a customer just made a purchase w/o paying shipping. The logs show these browser details:

(compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt; Hotbar; MSN 6.1; MSNbBBYZ; MSNmen-us; MSNc21; v5m)"


In appreciation,


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I am also having the same problem. I have received all of my orders without any shipping added.




you can test with

[email protected]

password: testing


I also added the shipping in shopping cart module but that does not show any shipping either.


I have my shipping set to zones and it is on as far as I can see.


Any suggestions?

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Sorry you're having trouble too, though I'm glad to get a confirmation on the issue. I think I'll try undoing the disply shipping in cart mod. However that mod is one of the resons I upgraded to MS1 and loaded5.


I'll post my results here.


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Hi Big Brother.


I don't doubt that you have a problem Tom, just can't reproduce it.


I bit the bullet and booted windows up, still could not reproduce your problem.


So, where do we go.


My thought is that maybe this is related to some specific product(s). Maybe a virtual product.


You mentioned that a customer reported the problem very recently. What was their final cart contents. Do you know what product they deleted from the cart.


If you can reproduce the problem. Track exactly waht products you add to the cart. Where you go (checkout_payment, checkout_confirmation) which product you delete. Which shipping metod you select, which payment method you select.


Basically, log everything you do. Then I'll see if I can reproduce.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Below is visit info as gleaned from the user tracking mod. This lady bought crime scene tape and a fingerprint poster and didn't pay for shipping.


I'll go thru and log my on visit with more detail. What I see happening is that when I click checkout, the filename checkout_shipping.php appears in the URL window briefly, then the filename checkout_payment.php replaces it in the url window and loads.





My Order History





My Account Information





What's In My Cart?





Crime Scene Detective Store





Your Order Has Been Processed!





Check and Confirm Your Order





Payment Information





Your Account Has Been Created!





My Account Information





Welcome, Please Sign In





Fingerprint Chart





Welcome, Please Sign In





Crime Scene Tape





Crime Scene Detective Store




Forensic Supply




Fingerprint Chart




What's In My Cart?




Fingerprint Chart




Heme Stix













Crime Scene Tape




What's In My Cart?




Crime Scene Tape




Crime Scene Detective Store


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I just ran this test twice. its a recipe for making my store give free shipping. See list of actions that bring free shipping.



Restart computer


Open IE6


Go to www.crimescene.com/store/


Put seatshirt in cart


Put coat in Cart


Put hat in cart.




Enter login/password


See shipping options


Click View cart.


Remove sweatshirt, click update


Remove coat, click update


Click checkout.


See payment options. No shipping options.


Process fails. :(

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Do you have the Free Shipping and Payment modules added?


And are all your products 0 weight?


And if so, are the Free Shipping and Payment modules turned off?

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Hey Tom,


You're not going mad. I followed your instructions, and no shipping.


I would tend to agree with Linda here. One common error pople make with the Free Shipping contribution is to ensure that all products which should attract a shipping cost have a weight set for them.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Thanks Linda and Ian. For the moment I've downgraded to pre ms1. I'm going to put up a test version of loaded5 again over the weekend.


My pre ps1 (loaded4) works perfectly. All the downloadsare set to 0 weight and all the other merchadise is physical and they have weights set. I will dbl check this.


Is there a table I might be missing? My upgrade to the 64 tables seemed to miss a bunch of stuff that i had to add by hand.

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10 to 1 the problem is you have the Free Shipping and Payment modules I wrote turned off and in the add-on that Ian loaded they have to be on and the products need a weight of some type or they are free shipping.


The new Downloads Controller v5.3 fixes this problem.

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