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Payment Method: Payflow link does not show up.


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I have installed contribution for Payflow link 1.3; once enabled from admin it does not show up as payment option in catalog.

I have noticed that all the other enabled and working payment methods have Sort Order set at 0 while payflow link would not show anything in this column.


Does anybody know how to fix this?

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I imagine the problem you are having is due to the new checkout process (this is in effect for all OSc2.2 Snapshots after November 1, 2002). If you are using a post 11-01-02 SnapShot or the OSC2.2 MS1 you will need to use the updated PayFlow Link contribution I made, which can be found here http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ions,960/page,5 also another updated one contributed by someone is found here http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ions,967/page,2

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  • 2 years later...

I have added install instructions for adding a Sort Order feature to the Masked PayFlow Link contrib. It will most likely work with all of the PayFlow Link contribs that do not have the Sort Order feature enabled. You can find the install instructions here: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2892

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