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Posted (edited)

I have downloaded the files for the integration of PayPal Payflow Link and installed into oscommerce 2.3.1, but the module "Paypal Payflow" does not appear in the available modules. I have rechecked all entries and everything seems to be OK. I have established a paypal payflow advanced account and set up the sandbox. I can't seem to find out why the module does not appear under "payments" module.

Here are the paypal modules that are under "payments": PayPal Express Checkout PayPal Website Payments Pro - Direct Payments PayPal Website Payments Pro (Payflow Edition) - Direct Payments

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by benny4563
  • 2 weeks later...

My guess is you may not have uploaded all of the files into the proper folders in the root directory.


Most likely you have uploaded the following 3 files into the catalog directory:

  1. checkout_process.php
  2. checkout_confirmation.php
  3. paypal_payflow_HS.php

But, have you uploaded the following 2 files into the catalog/includes/modules/payment directory:

  1. paypal_payflow_link.php
  2. paypal_pro_payflow_dp.php

Also, how about this file into the catalog/includes/languages/english/modules/payment directory:

  1. paypal_payflow_link.php


If you have these fiels in the proper directories you should see the PayPal Payflow module


I loaded the module but the imbedded payment box is not there. I think I uploaded the three files in the wrong directory. Can you tell me where to upload the three files?


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I have done everything correct and have the Paypal Payflow module showing. I have installed the module correctly and it will not accept the payment either through sandbox or real pay. I have had several conversations with PayPal integrators and they tell me I do not have something set correctly. I did an installation using PayPal Standard recently and it installed fine with no problems and is working like a charm. This client, however want to use PayPal Payments Advanced.

If someone has run into this problem before I would appreciate any assistance.


Well, I'm having trouble too. I uploaded all of the files as I have described in my previous post. While I was waiting for approval of my account by PayPal, I was testing everything through Sandbox. The payment module would show up on my checkout page, but everytime I entered any credit card info, it was denied. I called PayPal tech support and they said the problem was my account had not yet been approved...it was still pending. Therefore, the credit card transaction would not work. I waited over a week for them to approve my account, and tonight I get notification that my account is approved, but I still have the same problems...credit card transaction is denied. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town tomorrow and won't be able to follow up with PayPal on this.


If anyone gets this working, please post back here with the solution...I will do the same.


After much trial and error, I find out from PayPal, the problem is on their end...the sanbox system does not always work properly. I switched my PayPal manager settings to "Live" and my osCommerce PayPal payments module to "Live". Everything seems to be working fine as far as credit card transactions are concerned.


Now my problem is getting the download link, for the digital products I'm selling, to work. But, this is a problem for another thread.


I'm having the same issue. I have copied the files and checked multiple times that they are in the proper directories as shown above and on the install instructions. This has me very confused and frustrated. I am not seeing anything but the defaulted items in my Modules/Payments. When I click on the 'Install Modules (46)' button, I can see the Paypal items there but nothing happens when I click on it. I have attached screen shots of both pages so you can see what I've got. One thing that is strange is in the install modules page there is no column on the right side for any install options like there are on the other install module pages. Is something messed up here? How do I install these modules?


All and any help is appreciated,





In your 2nd screenshot, I see you have "PayPal Payflow" listed. I know, since you are subscribing to PayPal Payments Advanced you would think there would be an option labeled as such...go figure. Anyway, select "PayPal Payflow", and then click the "Install Module" button in the upper right hand side of screen. This will install the module you are looking for.


Then, from your list of installed modules (which is your 1st screenshot), select the newly installed "PayPal Payflow" module...then click the "Edit" button to the right. From here, you will be able to set all of the necessary parameters.


If you are not going to use "Cash on Delivery" or "PayPal Express Checkout", as shown in your first screenshot, you can choose to remove them if you wish.


Hope this helps...


Thanks for the reply. Something must be amiss with my system or install, I have no 'Install Module' button in hte upper right of my screen. Either that or I'm doing something really wrong. All I have is a 'Back' button.



In the other modules where they are listed there is a 'Install Module' in a column to right of the little 'info' icon but on my 'Payment Module' there is nothing to the right of the 'info' icon. It's like there's some code someplace that is missing or messed up.


More to the story....I just installed a test install and the "Payments/Modules" page is correct (has a right hand column with a 'Install Module' button. When I installed the Paypal Advanced module it adds the Paypal items to the list on the "Payments/Modules" page but it edits the page somehow and removes the right hand column where the 'Install Module' button is. Now what? I guess the module.php needs to be edited. I'm not a php coder but if I knew what to look for I could edit it.




Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to be much help to you. I'm not much of a coder nor developer either...I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants as I work through this cart, setting it up for my needs.


Maybe an internet search would provide some insight. Maybe a call to PayPal Merchant Solutions...they have been quite helpful for some of my problems...they seem to be genuinely interested in solving any problems they can.


One last thought...if this is a new install of osCommerce and PayPal Payments Advanced...maybe reinstalling both, in their entirety, would help. I know this doesn't sound like fun, but it seems as though something is missing. Since it is the "Install Module" button that is missing when you select "PayPal Payflow" perhaps just reinstalling all of the PayPal files will help, instead of the entire osCommerce. I'm just kind of thinking out loud here...I don't really know.


Good Luck!!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The Paypal Advance tutorial on youtube is wrong! It tells you to set your paypal mgr setting to "on my website" and the return method to "post". If you do that your sale will never show up in your admin. Instead set it to the "paypal hosted page" and use the return url http://www.yoursite.com /checkout_process.php and set the method to "link". If you still have problems go to oscommerce - solutions .com

Edited by Jan Zonjee

Also in your Paypal manager setting don't forget to set your silent post to "yes" and the return url to http://www.yoursite.com /checkout_process.php if you don't do this your express button won't record the sale either.

Posted (edited)
The tutorial is correct I apologize just make sure you use the return url http://www.yoursite.com /checkout_process.php and set the method to "post". If you still have problems go to


Agreed...that solved some of the problems I was experiencing as well.

Edited by Jan Zonjee
  • 4 weeks later...

I am only selling digital downloads...here are the settings that are working for me:


osCommerce Admin

Settings in the osCommerce payments modules...choose PayPal Payflow and click the edit button:


Enable Payflow

Do you want to accept PayPal Payflow payments?




Your merchant login ID that you created when you registered for the Website Payments account.

PayPal Manager merchant login name



If you set up one or more additional users on the account, this value is the ID of the user authorised to process transactions. If, however, you have not set up additional users on the account, USER has the same value as VENDOR.

PayPal Manager login user name



The 6- to 32-character password that you defined while registering for the account.

PayPal Manager login password



The ID provided to you by the authorised PayPal Reseller who registered you for the Payflow SDK. If you purchased your account directly from PayPal.



Transaction Server

Use the live or testing (sandbox) gateway server to process transactions?



Transaction Method

The processing method to use for each transaction.



Card Acceptance Page

The location to accept card information. Either on the Checkout Confirmation page or the Checkout Payment page.

PayPal Hosted


Payment Zone

If a zone is selected, only enable this payment method for that zone.



Set Order Status

Set the status of orders made with this payment module to this value.

Download Now Available


Sort order of display.

Sort order of display. Lowest is displayed first.



cURL Program Location

The location to the cURL program application.




PayPal Manager

Settings in the Paypal Manager...Service Settings...Setup

If something is not mentioned here, then it was left blank.


Choose your settings

Transaction Process Mode:



Display options on payment page

Cancel URL Method:



Enter Button Text:

Pay Now


PayPal Express Checkout

Pa yPal email address:

[email protected]


Billing Information

Make these fields required:



Make these fields editable:



Shipping Information

I selected nothing from here because I am only selling digital downloads. Therefore, I have nothing to ship


Payment Confirmation

Payment Confirmation

On my website


Enter Return URL:



Return URL Method:



Silent Post for Data Transfer

Use Silent Post:



Email Confirmation

Do you want us to confirm payment by email?



Email "from" merchant address:

[email protected]


Email copy to merchant address:

[email protected]


Enter your header text:

Any message you want your customer to read at the top of the email body


Enter your footer text:

Any message you want your customer to read at the bottom of the email body


Security Options







Enable Secure Token:



These are the settings that are working for me, and my situation. I am not making any kind of guarantee these are going to work for you and your situation.


I hope this helps anyone that is having trouble setting this up

  • 4 weeks later...


I am replying to your post because I have an almost identical situation: I have a website selling e-books, working on osCommerce 2.3.1 with Authorize.net AIM. I am trying to switch from Authorize.net AIM to PayPal Payments Advanced: cheaper monthly charge ($5). My problem: when I'm looking in my osCommerce Modules / Payment / Install Modules (46) I cannot see either the PayPal Payments Advanced or the PayPal Payflow Link. Can anybody explain in a step-by-step way how do I make these PayPal modules appear in my osCommerce so I can install one of them.


Any help is greatly appreciated. And remembers, I'm not a programmer! :blink:


Posted (edited)

Go back up to the second post in this thread and watch the video. It describes everything.


osCommerce does not come with these payments module pre-installed. You will have to download it and follow the instructions for installation. You can download the Payflow Gateway module here: https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/paypal-sdk-index Click on the "Payflow SDKs" tab. Then, you will find the download link in the table with the "Payflow Gateway" heading...choose the one for OSCommerce Version 2.3


Follow the instructions in the video, and also the instructions that come with the download. If you take it slow...one-step-at-a-time...you can figure it out and have it installed and configured in couple hours.

Edited by fdegree
  • 2 months later...

Has anyone tried installing this PayPal module on osCommerce version 2.2? If so, will it work?


If not, is there another module that will work with the "new" PayPal Payments Pro account? (Not the old Website Payments Pro).


Thank you very much for your time.

  • 6 months later...

I've recently installed Paypal Payment Advanced in my OScommerce v2.3.1 from this link (https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/lifecycle/sdks/). I used Layout C and it displayed correctly on my confirmation page. But after processing, it won't update (I mean empty) the cart and won't show in my admin that the order has been processed. And of course no confirmation email as well. The card has been charged and the transaction is showing in my paypal account.


Another issue that I have is that after successfully processing the card, the page loads the entire page of the "return url" on the area where the paypal interface for entering the card info was shown. The "return url" I'm using is http://www.yoursite.com /checkout_process.php. It's wierd...


I was hoping that installing the module would do the magic for me but it seems not to be the case. I'm very sure that I've uploaded all the necessary files to the right folders. What do I need to do to make it work?


Can anyone help?


I posted PayPal's add-on for PayPal Advanced. They stopped supporting the site where they had posted it themselves.


PayPal's add-on was originally designed to work with OSCommerce 2.3.1. I have changed one line of code so that it would also work correctly with Version 2.3.3. Here's the add-on:



  • 7 months later...

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