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Text in order emails


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I have edited the following in adminincludeslanguagesenglishorders.php


define('EMAIL_TEXT_STATUS_UPDATE', 'Your order has been updated to the following status.' . "nn" . 'New status: %s' . "nn" . 'We have received the payment for the above order at our store and the order has been sent. Thank you for shopping with us. Enjoy your goods! ' . "n");


I wanted this message in the sent email. However, this text is now displayed in both the processing and sent emails. Is there a way to have different messages for these emails?


Such as:


Processing email. "Thanks for your order, we are currently processing it."


Sent email: "'We have received the payment for the above order at our store and the order has been sent. Thank you for shopping with us. Enjoy your goods!"




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