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Remove Shipping and product options


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I do not sell protucts but I sell services so there is never any shipping invloved. How can I totally remove the shipping fromt he chek out process?


Also, I want the ability for customers to be able to type in and select options on the product/service they order. For example if ordering a shirt and they wanted a saying on the back of the shirt, I would like them to fill in what they want it to say as they order it.





Kyle Dawson

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Thanks, I will check the contributions. As for the shipping stuff, that is what I did the first time and it did not work. I tried it again and same problem. What happens is that when checking out a message on the page stats "This is currently the only shipping method available to use on this order." and when I try to continue, it just stays (redirects) to the same page. You can not checkout.



My steps were:

Turn off all shipping methods

Set Handling fee to 0

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maybe make just the flat rate active .. and make it $0.00 .... then change the text of Flat Rate to ' '

You would still get a radio button with $0.00 .. but I would guess you can comment that out too if you wanted too.

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