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Help , payment module


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Dear forum

When i ' m going to the payment module , the only thing i see is the name of directory that payment modules are installed .

What is wrong ?

Also ti stucks at the checkout.php , and it's not going on to the next page

What is wrong?

Please help

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When i ' m going to the payment module , the only thing i see is the name of directory that payment modules are installed .

I don't know how to fix this one, apart from checking your permissions. That is partly why the error you are getting below.


Also ti stucks at the checkout.php , and it's not going on to the next page

I had this error myself, you need to define which payment modules are running. If you go into the admin section and then into payment, you will see by default (well on mine anyways) all payment options are switched off. If you switch one on.. You should be able to continue.


Sorry I couldn't help, but my 2 pennies worth

Kindest Regards,


Carl Pickering


If there is light at the end of the tunnel, switch it off. I have to save on my electricity bill

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