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[Contribution] osc2ebay - oscommerce to ebay synchronization


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Can you give a little more information on what this mod does and how it operates?



Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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This contribution is completely web-based, it use SOAP and the ebay API to synchronize items.

please look at http://developer.ebay.com/devzone/xml/docs/reference/ebay/index.html for ebay API documentation.


it requires small changes to work.

osCommerce Italia support: http://www.oscommerceitalia.com

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I tried to implement this addon and I'm working on local server(wamp). I'm getting the error like SOAP-ERROR :failed to load external entity. Pls help...

Can anyone give a detailed installation steps and requirements for this addon.


Thanks in advance..


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  • 2 weeks later...

I recive some errors:


When i click on ebay Sync Items (this is from adnim menu in left): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/kinyx/worldcleaningproducts.com/admin2008/ebay_syncitems.php on line 644


When click on Ebay Only items: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/kinyx/worldcleaningproducts.com/admin2008/ebay_syncitems.php on line 242


When click on AutoLink Ebay items: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/kinyx/worldcleaningproducts.com/admin2008/ebay_syncitems.php on line 299



Thx for help!!

Edited by realdark
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have come a long way in getting rid of stupid issues i was having with installation of this wonderful addon.

now i am having two issues

1-although categories are downloaded from ebay and entered in the db table. it does not show in the categories drop down form.

2-when i want to add an item i get the following error

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<faultcode xmlns:ns1="http://xml.apache.org/axis/">ns1:Server</faultcode>
<faultstring>Input data is invalid.</faultstring>
  <DetailedMessage>Input data for tag <Item.Site> is invalid or missing. Please check API documentation.</DetailedMessage>

Edited by tedbooks
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Seems like a really great contribution that is much needed by many users of oscommerce. To test 'osc2ebay' I have installed a fresh installation OSC 2.2 and used all the supplied patched files and updated the config file to what I believe is correct.


The only problem is I can not get past the following error when trying to 'Add an item to eBay':


I receive this response:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">



<faultcode xmlns:ns1="http://xml.apache.org/axis/">ns1:Server</faultcode>

<faultstring>Input data is invalid.</faultstring>






<DetailedMessage>Input data for tag &lt;Item.Storefront.StoreCategoryID> is invalid or missing. Please check API documentation.</DetailedMessage>









And when I go to "ebay Get Categories" in OSC admin and click on "Update Categories" button I get the following:


12493 categories inserted successfully!

get store categories error


"Back To Products Page" "Back"




When I then go back to "ebay Get Categories" in OSC admin there is the following:



current categories - Drop down box with many categories

current store categories - Drop down box empty




Please can you help?




Many Thanks,





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it is probably because you have no store category. maybe!! just add something in the data base and see if it works.

​ suggestion for Hozone

a- ability to add an item as auction

b-ability to deal with the sale from the store like feedback adding tracking number and so on

c-ability to limit the categories in ebay_addproducts.php it might be done by adding a drop down of primary categories in the beginning like the attributes.


this is one great addon and i really am loving it. thank you

Edited by tedbooks
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"it is probably because you have no store category. maybe!! just add something in the data base and see if it works."


Unfortunately not, as I have tried it with the default categories that come supplied with OSC 2.2 RC2 and have also tried again after adding some new categories and products. Have also tried on 2 servers 1 running php 5.2.9 and the other 5.3 but still get the same errors - I have been told SOAP is installed and enabled. Will probably be something really simple but I'm not really much of an expert with this sort of thing.


Does it matter what version the 'eBaySvc.wsdl' file is?





Edited by stephens210180
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Unfortunately not, as I have tried it with the default categories that come supplied with OSC 2.2 RC2 and have also tried again after adding some new categories and products. Have also tried on 2 servers 1 running php 5.2.9 and the other 5.3 but still get the same errors - I have been told SOAP is installed and enabled. Will probably be something really simple but I'm not really much of an expert with this sort of thing.





no store category in ebay or no ebay store

try adding a category to ebay_categoriesstore table

or comment out these lines in ebay_addproducts.php

// 'Storefront' => array(
 //  'StoreCategory2ID' => $StoreCategoryID,
 //  'StoreCategoryID' => $StoreCategoryID
 //  ),

Edited by tedbooks
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no store category in ebay or no ebay store

try adding a category to ebay_categoriesstore table

or comment out these lines in ebay_addproducts.php

// 'Storefront' => array(
 //  'StoreCategory2ID' => $StoreCategoryID,
 //  'StoreCategoryID' => $StoreCategoryID
 //  ),



Thanks Ted, making progress now.


Added some categories in my ebay store and the errors I was getting have now gone and the categories added on ebay are now in Showing up in my OSC website.



I now get the following when adding a product (in oscommerce admin) to ebay:



ebay Add Item pixel_trans.gif Errors


Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in/home/comput4/public_html/back/ebay_addproducts.php on line 170


The code is:



print "Errors<br />";

if($results->Errors != null)

foreach($results->Errors as $key => $value)

if($key == "LongMessage") echo $value."<br />";

echo "<br />";




If I comment this code out I get the request and the following Response:





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">


<AddItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">




<ShortMessage>Shipping service is not available.</ShortMessage>

<LongMessage>Shipping service Corriere espresso(10110) is not available.</LongMessage>



<ErrorParameters ParamID="0">

<Value>Corriere espresso(10110)</Value>





<ShortMessage>Shipping service is not available.</ShortMessage>

<LongMessage>Shipping service Ritiro in zona(10151) is not available.</LongMessage>



<ErrorParameters ParamID="0">

<Value>Ritiro in zona(10151)</Value>












Any ideas on what the cause of this problem maybe please?

Again thanks for your help.




Many Thanks,


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are the shipping method correct for your ebay?


It does look like that is what the error is pointing to, unfortunately I have not had an ebay store before (only sold 1 or 2 things on ebay in the past) so am a little unsure what is the minimum amount of configuration required with this contribution and on ebay to get to the stage where I am able to test the basics of this great contibution.


Like adding the categories in my ebay store do I need to change / add shipping details some where on ebay or even on OSC? Shipping is set to flat rate in OSC admin.


Seems like I'm nearly there and this is possibly the last hurdle to get over before I can get some products from my osc store across to my ebay store.


Any more advice will be much welcomed.



My main store will be OSC v2.3.1 but I am also trying this on OSC v2.2 RC2 at the same time.





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you must use the correct code for shipping.

i think that was the error that you posted

Edited by tedbooks
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you must use the correct code for shipping.

i think that was the error that you posted



Yep, got it working last night!!!


Noticed there were a few more bits of code and tags that were for Italy so change all to the UK versions such as for example (for others who may come across this problem):



In 'catalog/admin/ebay_addproducts


"IT_ExpressCourier" change to the shipping in your company - I use "UK_RoyalMailFirstClassRecorded"

Also change all other "IT....." references if your store in not in Italy to the correct ones for your country.




Helpful sites:








Thanks for the great contribution hozone and thanks Ted for your help.

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