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price in catalog includes tax?


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I've enabled tax and set my tax zones.


Problem is that when I set the price in the products/catalog admin pages the tax is added to it. I would rather the price I set here INCLUDED tax, so I don't have to work out what it is without vat all the time (this is important for clothing for instance which is usually rounded to a figure like ?100).


How can I change the input field so the price I put down includes VAT.

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It's late and I don't know if this makes sense but its important so I'll try again - if anyone can point me in the right direction because I've searched and searched!


1) Setup tax zone at 17.5%


2) Display Prices with Tax = true


3) Sweater costs ?100 (includes 17.5% tax). So, in Categories / Products setup create new product and set Products Price: 100.00


4) Make Tax Class: Taxable Goods


5) Now go to the catalog and test the page. Hold on, the price says ?117.50!


What it should say is ?100 and the net price should be ?85.11




Now I need to display the goods with uk tax/vat - this is the law, so display prices with tax must be enabled.


I could simply put the net price in the Products Price field, which would fix everything, but I have about 100 sweaters here all of which show the prices with 17.5% tax and the last thing I want to do is get a calculater and work out what the net price is for all of them.


So is there a way to simply input the net + tax price into the Product Price field, and have this price show up as having the tax already included???


Does this make sense?


Thanks in advance,



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good luck on getting support on this


I am more than a little pissed off at what I consider to be blatantly misleading promotional hype on the osCommerce home page.


Yes it's free.


And yes, you get what you pay for.



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Sorry I think the conversion should be 0.85106383 I used your ?85.11 example before.


Anyway its 100/117.5


Hope this helps

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