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Fancier Invoice & Packing Slip for 2.3.1

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Oh, I am so sorry! Of course this change should be made in admin/invoice.php, that's the one that changes the look on the page you can print.


Right by that info, my code looks like this <td align="left" valign="top"><b><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"><?php echo ENTRY_SHIP_TO; ?></b></td>


to get you an idea of where to start messing around. This, I think, is for the header, the actual text "Shipping address",


<td> <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"><?php echo tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, '', '<br> '); ?></td>


this should be for the address itself. I am not at all a coder, and I have just tested my way into making it look lite I want it to.

Edited by Duroniel
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Hi, thank you so much. I had looked at admin/invoice.php, but didn't see any typeface code! That's because it wasn't there! my code was just <td> <?php echo tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, '', '<br> '); ?></td> I think you must have hardcoded yours at some time, so mine was just using the default. So I added the <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"> to match yours and then changed the size to 4. All good. Much happier now!

Running a botched up version of  osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 bootstrap with the dresscode theme installed, numerous add-ons, terrible coding, terrible website, but will have to make do until I have made up for my losses and can risk shutting down for a couple of weeks while I start all over again. - I did not install my program but am endeavouring to fix it with your help.

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Hi, thank you so much. I had looked at admin/invoice.php, but didn't see any typeface code! That's because it wasn't there! my code was just <td> <?php echo tep_address_format($order->delivery['format_id'], $order->delivery, 1, '', '<br> '); ?></td> I think you must have hardcoded yours at some time, so mine was just using the default. So I added the <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"> to match yours and then changed the size to 4. All good. Much happier now!


Yes, I had a similar problem, all my text was in Times new roman and I just couldn't find out why, so I ended up just hardcoding it in, and it works for me, even if it's not the best way to do it. I'm glad I could actually help someone, even with my very limited knowledge ;)

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  • 1 month later...

After several days of finding how, what, trying etc...

I have a nice invoice in the adminsite and the customer my account site with a productpicture,

but when hit the print invoice button again a have a simple invoice :angry: .


i would like to find a solution to have at least a productpicture in the print_my_invoice.php and if possible in the mail sended after buying a product.


thanks for help




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  • 6 months later...

Hi there! :-)


I installed the latest version of this add-on but I'm having some trouble with it.


The on-line part (viewing and printing invoice) is working well. As wel as for admin as for customers.


But........ all emails sent are just the ugly old osC versions.


It gets even worse because when I enter the code, stated at point 6 in install.txt, /catalog/checkout_process.php stops working.

It shows a white screen.

The order is registered in the database but nog confimation and a hanging site.


As I said before, when I leave this part out, the packing-slip and invoice look great. Printing works as well.

All emails are still sent in plain old osC lay-out :-(


Does anyone have an idea what's going wrong here???


Thanks in advance!



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@@KeesB If that is causing the page to hang then there is another problem - do you have any errors in your error log?


Invoices are sent in plain osc format for paypal payments and epdq payments (not sure about others) this is a limitation of the system - they are sent in HTML format for phone with card payment, cash on collection etc.

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Hi @@Mort-lemur! Thank you for your reply!


I have the log entry enabled but it doesn't generate any logs..... but that's another problem :-


At this moment I have no payment module like PayPal etc enabled. Just "Bank Transfer". (Still waiting for the bank to agree to using iDeal, but that's another story too ;) )


I just discovered:

At admin side, in config, where the two line should be added to controle HTML_invoices, I have those line doubled.

It looks like:

Send HTML or Text Invoices to cutomers true

Default E-Mailed HTML Invoice Template box_invoice.php

Send HTML or Text Invoices to Customers true

Default E-Mailed HTML Invoice Template box_invoice.php



Does this give any clue of what's going wrong????


Thank you again and hope to hear from you soon.



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Update to @@Mort-lemur


I've got the HTML confirmation mail working!!! :)

I think the absolute path for admin was the trouble :(

Sorry for that :-)


But...... in the emailed confirmations (both to customer and admin) the totals, taxes etc are missing.

It displays everything perfectly but stops after the line(s) containing the Product(s).

Skips the totals, and continues with the footer.


Any ideas????


Edit: just noticed that, in the emailed confirmations it prints a strange invoice number.

The order I'm working with has number 17.

But the HTML-confirmation prints: 14-17


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Update to @@Mort-lemur


Edit: just noticed that, in the emailed confirmations it prints a strange invoice number.

The order I'm working with has number 17.

But the HTML-confirmation prints: 14-17



Pfffff.... I'm sorry, forget about that. Looking at the code I discovered that the year-number is added to the invoice-number.

You= smart :-)

Me= dumb dumb dumb


Leaving the missing of the totals in the email-confirmations and the double line in admin-config.


As you might suspect, I'm not a PHP-programmer, English is not my native language and I write a the forum a bit to soon.....

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double lines in admin usually means that the sql code has been run twice - inserting the tables twice - use phpmyadmin to find and delete the duplicate entries from your database (back-up the database first)


For the other problem look at post #20 of this thread.

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Thank you @@Mort-lemur, for your replies and THE SOLUTION!!


Everything is working fine now. ME SO HAPPY :D


It was a bit confusing.

Looking at the releasedate of the latest version (nov 2013) I assumed that the solution at post #20 (posted at may 2013) was already included in the release.


I know, I should not assume things..... :blush:


Also would like to mention that, while scrambling all the code to find my mistake, I discovered some strange CAPS where they shouldn't be in the first place.


All in all, I'm happy now and can finally go eat something... :P


Thank you again!!



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  • 2 months later...

Can someone tell me where STORE_NAME_ADDRESS is *supposed* to be defined?


I was getting error messages until I manually added it to: catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/invoice.php




(using version 231_Beta_mttdl)

Edited by ArtcoInc
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** Update**


1) I also had to manually define STORE_NAME_ADDRESS in:




2) In this same file, TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS_MODEL was defined twice: in line 27 and line 32. I commented out line 27 to avoid error messages.



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  • 3 months later...

In account _history_info.php and print_my-invoice.php I have reference number for payment in which I would also like to put customer id. 

Code now looks like this:

...<td> <b><?php echo ENTRY_PAYMENT_METHOD; ?></b> <?php echo $order->info['payment_method']; ?></td>
  <td> <b><?php echo INVOICE_TEXT_REF ?></b> <?php echo date("y"); ?>-070-<?php echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['order_id']; ?></td> .... 
instead of  fixed -070- I would like to have customer id that would look like this: year-customer_id-order_id
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  • 5 months later...

I've been working on enabling the paypal standard module to send HTML invoice via email, the email is sent but on the invoice for paying via paypal the order number isn't appearing, yet it does on the cash on delivery invoice.

Both use exactly the same code to generate the invoice.
The code that sends the email is (lines 106-111 in email_invoice.php) :-

    $ei_message->send($order2->customer['name'], $order2->customer['email_address'], STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'Your Sanctuary Books Order # ' . $insert_id);
    $ei_message->send('Orders','m[email protected]', STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'New Order Received # ' . ' ' . $insert_id);

By changing the $insert_id to '123456'  the subject line shows the order number as 123456, hence the variable $insert_id should be the order number, but isn't been assigned the order number for some reason.

Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome,


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  • 7 months later...

No Admin order emails! Soooo this is what I did to get round this as in checkout_process.php the contribution was stopping any order emails except one html one to the customer. In email_invoice.php find near the bottom:


$ei_message->send($order2->customer['name'], $order2->customer['email_address'], STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT . ' ' . $insert_id . ' - ' . STORE_NAME);
After it add:




    tep_mail($order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname'], $order->customer['email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $email_order, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
What this does is send the usual Admin text based order email that you'd get without this contribution and sends the fancy html invoice to the customer plus a text based invoice similar to Admin order as well. If you don't want this remove:





I know that it is over two years since you posted this but i´d like to leave a comment for those like me who just found the addon.

Altering the code like you suggested will only send a copy of the mail to the store owner and leave the built in funktion to send copies to alternate mail accounts broken.


I´d suggest to comment out the following code instead:

if (SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO != '') {$ei_message->send(STORE_OWNER, SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO, $order2->customer['name'], $order2->customer['email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT . ' ' . $insert_id); 

And replace it with:


This will use the HTML version for customers and text version of the order for copies  but send it to all alternative email adresses specified on the admin side.

Edited by Flaggi
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  • 6 months later...

Anyone got this working on a recent shop version like 2.3.4?

In the admin section you can choose between 3 email designs. box_invoice.php / html_invoice.php and stock osC design.

Now I can get the box_invoice.php to show good on any mail client no matter if Thunderbird, Outlook or directly on the gmail page.

But the html_invoice.php just simply won't show correctly on the gmail site. It looks all good in Thunderbird or Outlook but not on the gmail site.

There are straight lines generated by background images that are repeated horizontally. Only those lines are somehow not there where they should. It seems like they have some top margin of 15-20px. I tried every trick I know in css. Inline CSS or classes nothing works. Only one time I got very close but had a stupid white line left kinda like a pixel_trans.gif


I tried to look at it with firebug but I just can't find the problem, ....yet. If anyone has this solved already I would be very thankful if that person could share the solution.

The code piece that makes trouble looks like this.

  <td width="11"><img src="<?php echo $ei_image_dir; ?>borders/maingrey_01.gif" width="11" height="16" alt=""></td>
  <td background="<?php echo $ei_image_dir; ?>borders/maingrey_02.gif"><img src="<?php echo $ei_image_dir; ?>borders/maingrey_02.gif" width="24" height="16" alt=""></td>
  <td width="19"><img src="<?php echo $ei_image_dir; ?>borders/maingrey_03.gif" width="19" height="16" alt=""></td>

I know it is not ideal to just post a piece of code but if you have this addon installed then you know where this is. (html_invoice.php)

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I only use the invoice and packing slip from the addon, and not all the associated stuff as its not needed.


I had a similar problem with the images not aligning correctly on the sides of the boxes and in the end I just removed all the border images from the files. It made the invoice look better in my opinion and also sped up printing. When I updated my site to the latest bootstrap version I also had to change lots of the css just to get the same look as the older invoices. Nothing too technical as I did it.


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Yeah that is what is happening the horizontal lines don't align correatly. But only at gmail. When looking at it with Thunderbird no problem.

I have solved the printing issue and installed this "almost" successfully into a BS store.

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@@Tsimi Lambros when I have this issue...


I tried to look at it with firebug but I just can't find the problem, ....yet. If anyone has this solved already I would be very thankful if that person could share the solution.



I usually fire up Chrome...their css inspection feature seems more complete and I can usually spot the issue with it.   Have a look with Chrome and see if it helps.



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@@Dan Cole


Thanks Dan.

Done that, done it with all possible inspection tools. I think it has something to do with the formatting of the HTML file.

It is just so difficult to make it compatible on all systems, browsers or/and mobiles.

Some clients remove the <head> area so adding CSS style definitions into it is not always working then I added it into the body but same I also added inline CSS since that is also necessary to cover some other browsers or clients. So CSS in 3 places but no luck. Tried some of the recommended solutions from stackoverflow but no luck either.

I even went through this list here to see what is compatible and what not and it seems like gmail is basically just crap.

I think I'll give it a few more tries and if I should fail again I'll just do what Steve said remove those borders and be done with it.

Even without borders it does look lot better then the stock format.

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Just so you can see what I havew I have attached a copy of one of my invoices. It is far better than the standard invoice and possibly, in my opinion, better than the one supplied in fancier invoice and packing slip.


Like I said before I only use the invoice.



Edited by 14steve14


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