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USPS Rate V4, Intl Rate V2 (official support thread)


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This is getting ridiculous. I'm tempted to just throw an (array) in front of the second parameter. Unless I can come up with a better test....


OK, try adding !tep_not_null($iExtras[$val]) && in front of that first test.




Edited by kymation

See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Kymation found the fix to the problem of the settings not saving. Although this seems to be a problem specific to my hoster, it might also help someone else with this problem.


Issue: settings would not save

Fix: The modules.php file was being corrupted when FTP transfer was occurring. Instead of transferring as ASCII, Kymation reuploaded it with a forced binary upload. That seemed to fix the problem.


I hope this helps someone else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We use this module.


I'm looking at the USPS update which is coming on January 25th, 2014.


The details can be found here: https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/welcome.htm

(Look in the middle of the page for the release notes link)


In reviewing this, I think the following pertains, and I would like a confirmation from others that I am correct:


1, It appears that this update does not affect this module unless you want to take advantage of the new services, which will likely require some coding to support. The module uses the V4 and International API's, both of which are being updated, so that is what I evaluated.


2. The price updates should be completely transparent and simply passed through as appropriate.


3. I do have a concern about this statement in Section 2.2.2 of the document pertaining to the V4 API: "

  • Standard Post availability to zones 1-4 eliminated with exception given to mailings with hazardous materials, live animals or other ground only items"

I'm not sure whether elimination of these zones will have an impact on what is sent to the V4 api, or how the response is handled. This sounds like an area where there could be a problem.


4. We need to test this very carefully both on the test server and the day it goes live because the post office has a habit of breaking things and inserting new garbage into api responses that break shipping modules.


I will be testing and I will post any problems I find. I hope that others will do the same.


IF WE'RE VERY LUCKY, we may be able to handle this update without any major downtime.

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This module does not supply the Hazmat codes, so I'm assuming that Standard Post will stop working for those zones, and possibly all zones.


I don't believe that the USPS test server has been updated to these changes, so testing may not be valid. Given their record for messing up the test server, it may never be accurate.


I'm still working on a replacement for this module. I would like to have it ready by the time this change goes live, but I don't know if I'll have the time to finish it. We shall see.




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osCommerce is set up to allow one selection from many shipping methods. There's no provision for selecting additional options. Adding a customer-selected insurance option would require modifying the core code to add that functionality. So, not all that easy.




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It appears that we are not getting the correct rates for First Class Mail Parcel and Priority Mail Express. I am guessing this is part of the API upgrade from USPS? Any input would be appreciated. I am using version 2.3.3 of OSCommerce.


Oops, incrementally the higher weights are messed up too on Priority Mail.


Thanks in advance.

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I'm not seeing any problems. The USPS changes are not supposed to go live until midnight tonight, although it's altogether too likely they have put the changes up early. What version of this Addon are you using?




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I am using USPS Rate V4 Intl Rate V2 - v.1.7. Thank you for the quick reply. I know another OScommerce store owner who is also having issues as well. But he is using an earlier version of OScommerce (2,2) and a different version of the USPS module.

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That version is for 2.2 ... will that work for 2.3.3? The reason I ask is .. the description for this contribution reads:


Modified USPS shipping module for osCommerce version 2.2. Includes compatibility with 01/27/13 USPS updates.


Files included in this contribution were modified from the original contribution found here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8403


Not tested for use on 2.3.


Provides options for all shipping methods, in addition to extra services. Very flexible module and fairly easy to install.


Support thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/383307-usps-rate-v4-intl-rate-v2-official-support-thread/





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That's the one I'm currently using on several 2.3 stores. It seems to work on both 2.2 and 2.3. I've been maintaining it, although I'm currently coding a replacement module.




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Hi Jim, they've updated the API and it's causing issues with standard post. It's trying to pull in the state data apparently, and it's working on some of the zip codes and some are not. It's kind of random right now. I'm not sure how else to explain it really...


Could you please advise?


I'm using MVS shipping on oscommerce 2.2.





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Per the latest API document, Standard Post is only to be used for live animals in zones 1 to 4. I figured that it was enough of a mess that most people wouldn't want to use it. If you really must have it, it's going to require a lot of coding to pull the extra data to fill the new fields. Not fun.




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Per the latest API document, Standard Post is only to be used for live animals in zones 1 to 4. I figured that it was enough of a mess that most people wouldn't want to use it. If you really must have it, it's going to require a lot of coding to pull the extra data to fill the new fields. Not fun.





Oh, bugger. What can we use instead as a sort of default, low cost option? We don't ship any of that live animals or anything. We just ship books and smallish items via USPS, all over the place.

Would it be Priority Mail? In our cases it seems Priority Mail is not pulling enough in terms of rates--especially for Hawaii and Alaska.


We're a bit lost in this aspect, I'm sorry. We've been using Standard Post for a long time; it was named something else before that.





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Sorry for posting another topic right below my other one but wasn't sure if you'd catch this.


Jim, if enough people need it--I would really appreciate you coding it for standard post to pull the new rates for MVS. I know it's going to be a bear. But I don't think I'm going to be the only one needing it (I could be wrong).


Unfortunately some of our stuff can't be out in the time that Priority Mail is supposed to deliver.


I really wish USPS would stop futzzing around with their API....





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The USPS has been making a lot of changes lately. I believe that they are trying to get rid of ground shipping except for things that cannot be shipped air, so I'm not going to be surprised when they add more restrictions in July.


You can use Media Mail for books. Check the regulations for any restrictions on that. Anything else can go First class (if 13 ounces or less) or Priority. Some of the Flat Rate boxes might work for small items, but you'll need to compare the cost to regular mail. USPS provides the box for all flat rate and a couple of sizes for Priority, so that's an expense to consider as well. It all depends on the size and weight of the item(s) you're shipping.


In short, things just got a lot more complicated.


Edit: I'm trying to get the new module finished, so any changes are probably going in that one instead. Of course there will be a MVS version as well. Oh that's going to be fun to do. Not.




Edited by kymation

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Good afternoon, I just recently got hired on by an online company that runs OSC. I'm more of a web designer than programmer, but I do know why way around PHP and MySQL. The company is running an older version of OSC 2.2-MS2 and sadly they do not want to upgrade it at the moment. I got presented with an issue with USPS not showing any rates at all. I updated the module and followed the readme.txt to detail and still nothing (USPS Methods Rates V4 Intl Rates V2 - 01-27-13 Update what was used). Unsure how to fix this situation and any help would be awesome!

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The module is known to work, so there's something in your local installation that is preventing it. An old store with many modifications can have any number of compatibility issues. You'll just have to debug it.


You should also let your employer know that this old code is a huge risk. There are a lot of security issues that make it a hacker's dream. Also, if they are using a hosting service, the code will break when the host upgrades their software. You might also mention that maintaining this antique code will cost a lot more than upgrading.




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