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USPS Rate V4, Intl Rate V2 (official support thread)


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Thanks Jim, My oscMax version has the line as:


// set the level of error reporting

// error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~'E_DEPRECATED');


I see the newest version of OSC has it as:



// set the level of error reporting

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);



as you can see, mine is NOT commented out but was still getting the chunk issue notices, so I'll leave the line commented in the usps.php file



Now also as an extra note.. my oscMax is 2.0.35 and my client is running 2.5.x On his I had to turn off the display weights then I got quotes.. Mine I always turn off display weights but his he had them ON.. both carts have the display international reg's ON - both are working now.. thanks!

Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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Commenting out that line just leaves whatever setting is in the php.ini file. I strongly recommend that you set it to




for a live store. I also remove the error messages from the database functions so the customer does not see those.


I have no idea why the Display Weights would matter, but do whatever works.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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I doubt this has anything to do with httpClient since this module has been working fine for a long time using httpClient. It's possible that curl is filtering out the invalid characters somehow. Curl certainly can filter out the linefeeds, and the rest is possible though unlikely. In any case, not all servers have curl enabled, so it's not a good general solution.




Hi Jim - I'd recommend considering the following changes to the add-on:


1. adding in a check for and coding to use curl before the http_client as curl isn't as uncommon as you might think and it doesn't suffer the same issues as http_client with xml decoding (the Zencart usps module uses this configuration by default)

2. renaming the function http_chunked_decode because if the pecl http extension was installed (which includes the function http_decode_chunked), this usps add-on will cause an 'already declared' error which may be confusing to some



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Hi Jim - I'd recommend considering the following changes to the add-on:


1. adding in a check for and coding to use curl before the http_client as curl isn't as uncommon as you might think and it doesn't suffer the same issues as http_client with xml decoding (the Zencart usps module uses this configuration by default)

2. renaming the function http_chunked_decode because if the pecl http extension was installed (which includes the function http_decode_chunked), this usps add-on will cause an 'already declared' error which may be confusing to some



This sounds like a sensible plan, to me. An alternative method, at a flick of a switch.

Certainly for all WHM/cPanel VPS, I have curl installed by default and PECL is used frequently.


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Commenting out that line just leaves whatever setting is in the php.ini file. I strongly recommend that you set it to




for a live store. I also remove the error messages from the database functions so the customer does not see those.


I have no idea why the Display Weights would matter, but do whatever works.





In my case my host requires I set up my own php.ini in the shops root folder meaning here: /public_html/php.ini given how my directory is set up.


That file contains this:


display_errors = Off


and that that did it.


Thanks for the help here.

I am not a professional webmaster or PHP coder by background or training but I will try to help as best I can.

I remember what it was like when I first started with osC. It can be overwhelming.

However, I strongly recommend considering hiring a professional for extensive site modifications, site cleaning, etc.

There are several good pros here on osCommerce. Look around, you'll figure out who they are.

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If I may start by saying as a new business entity I am completely happy I've chosen osCommerce. It's been a steep learning curve but I've gotten to a staple acceptable storefront. This USPS stuff on the other hand has me beyond angry, thankfully there is a broad support community. It seems the latest issue is it seems to be breaking my paypal express. I also get the warning on line 649 but when error reporting is turned off in application_top everything works fine UNTIL i try to finalize to my paypal express checkout. My checkout process wont connect, just a blank white screen. With the USPS module turned off and table rate shipping everything works fine. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues with paypal express and this USPS Rate module or should I be looking somewhere else? Thanks for any assistance

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I'm using this module on multiple sites with various Paypal modules and they all work fine. I could give you more information if you tell us which Paypal module you are using and the version of that module.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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thanks for the response.

The paypal module I'm using is Paypal Express Checkout with API credentials and as I said it works fine with this USPS module turned off save for the line 649 warning. So double checking with error turned back on i see this

Warning: Value is not properly chunk encoded in /home/content/97/11613597/html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 649


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/97/11613597/html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php:649) in /home/content/97/11613597/html/includes/functions/general.php on line 49

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First, when debugging set the error reporting in application_top.php to


 error_reporting( E_ALL );


Second, go into your usps.php module and comment out the error message as posted here.


Once you have that all done, try it again and see what errors you get.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Fatal error: Class 'httpClient' not found in /home/content/97/11613597/html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 362



looks like this fixed it



just changed ups.com to production.shippingapis.com

Edited by geremyh
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First off, I would like to say I have used this resource for a while. It is such a great resource and community. This is my first post on the forum but I plan to be much more active in helping others as well.


I implemented this USPS Rate V4 module and I have it working well except it is not getting the correct prices on the larger packages.


Can anyone point me in the correct direction where I could troubleshoot this for myself?


For example, there is a product shipping within the lower 48 United States, is 8 pounds and has a dimension of 18" x 19" x 24". USPS is spitting back a cost of $18.75 US while UPS is much more accurate on the actual shipping cost of $29 US.


I have a couple other larger packages that USPS is not getting the shipping amount correct.


I do have the 'Larger packages - percentage increase' set to 60% but that doesn't seem to help.


Thoughts or things I could try? I have latest version implemented too.


Thanks in advance.


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60% is way too high. Tare should normally be less than 10% unless you are shipping very light items.


You should take a look at your product weights. Also check your settings in this module: setting Online rates when you are shipping retail counter can make a big difference.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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I am getting this error perhaps you can help me



Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : String not closed expecting " or ' in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397


Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: <?xml version="1.0",encoding="UTF-8"?> in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397


Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397


Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Blank needed here in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397


Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: <?xml version="1.0",encoding="UTF-8"?> in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397


Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397


Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : parsing XML declaration: '?>' expected in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397


Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: <?xml version="1.0",encoding="UTF-8"?> in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397


Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/p/public_html/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 397

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So, I implemented the fix file from a couple pages back. Everything seems to be working fine again, with one exception, I no longer have an option for domestic first class.


Is there something I missed?


I tried to un-comment the line to get an email from USPS, but I get nothing in response when filling out the proper email address.


Any tips anybody can give?

Edited by Erock
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@@riskmaker You're not using the latest version. Get it here.


@@Erock It sounds like you missed part of the change. Try the version in the above link. Also, the email works if you give it a valid email address, or use the store owner default address.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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I was trying to give it an email address direct in the commented line so it would go to me rather than the store owner, but am not getting anything.


The link above goes to the upsxml file from Jan 2012, is that what you were referring to? I installed the update to USPS Rate that was released Nov 14th.



EDIT: I got the email working, was forgetting quotes :(

Edited by Erock
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So here is my output. I'm at a loss. I have First Class selected in admin, it seems to be passing to and from the server, but it doesn't show as an option on the site. For domestic only three options are used First Class, Media and Priority. with FC being the most used. I'm only showing Media and Priority in store. I'm stuck, usually I can get my way out, but this is stumping me.


API=RateV4&XML=<RateV4Request USERID="xxxxxxxxxx"><Revision>2</Revision><Package ID="0"><Service>First Class</Service><FirstClassMailType>PARCEL</FirstClassMailType><ZipOrigination>53219</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>53207</ZipDestination><Pounds>0</Pounds><Ounces>8</Ounces><Container>VARIABLE</Container><Size>REGULAR</Size><Machinable>TRUE</Machinable></Package><Package ID="1"><Service>MEDIA</Service><ZipOrigination>53219</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>53207</ZipDestination><Pounds>0</Pounds><Ounces>8</Ounces><Container>VARIABLE</Container><Size>REGULAR</Size><Machinable>TRUE</Machinable></Package><Package ID="2"><Service>PRIORITY COMMERCIAL</Service><ZipOrigination>53219</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>53207</ZipDestination><Pounds>0</Pounds><Ounces>8</Ounces><Container>VARIABLE</Container><Size>REGULAR</Size><Machinable>TRUE</Machinable></Package></RateV4Request>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RateV4Response><Package ID="0"><ZipOrigination>53219</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>53207</ZipDestination><Pounds>0</Pounds><Ounces>8</Ounces><FirstClassMailType>PARCEL</FirstClassMailType><Size>REGULAR</Size><Zone>1</Zone><Postage CLASSID="0"><MailService>First-Class Mail</MailService><Rate>2.92</Rate><SpecialServices><SpecialService><ServiceID>9</ServiceID><ServiceName>Certificate of Mailing</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>1.20</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>1</ServiceID><ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>1.95</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline><DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired><DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>5</ServiceID><ServiceName>Registered MailTM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>11.20</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline><DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired><DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>4</ServiceID><ServiceName>Registered without Insurance</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>11.20</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>0</ServiceID><ServiceName>Certified MailRM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>3.10</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>13</ServiceID><ServiceName>USPS TrackingTM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>0.90</Price><PriceOnline>0.00</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>15</ServiceID><ServiceName>Signature ConfirmationTM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>2.70</Price><PriceOnline>2.20</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>6</ServiceID><ServiceName>Collect on Delivery</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>6.45</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline><DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired><DueSenderRequired>true</DueSenderRequired></SpecialService></SpecialServices></Postage></Package><Package ID="1"><ZipOrigination>53219</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>53207</ZipDestination><Pounds>0</Pounds><Ounces>8</Ounces><Container>VARIABLE</Container><Size>REGULAR</Size><Zone>1</Zone><Postage CLASSID="6"><MailService>Media MailRM</MailService><Rate>2.53</Rate><SpecialServices><SpecialService><ServiceID>9</ServiceID><ServiceName>Certificate of Mailing</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>1.20</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>1</ServiceID><ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>1.95</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline><DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired><DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>13</ServiceID><ServiceName>USPS TrackingTM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>0.90</Price><PriceOnline>0.20</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>7</ServiceID><ServiceName>Return Receipt for Merchandise</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>4.10</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>15</ServiceID><ServiceName>Signature ConfirmationTM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>2.70</Price><PriceOnline>2.20</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>6</ServiceID><ServiceName>Collect on Delivery</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>6.45</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline><DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired><DueSenderRequired>true</DueSenderRequired></SpecialService></SpecialServices></Postage></Package><Package ID="2"><ZipOrigination>53219</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>53207</ZipDestination><Pounds>0</Pounds><Ounces>8</Ounces><Container>VARIABLE</Container><Size>REGULAR</Size><Zone>1</Zone><Postage CLASSID="1"><MailService>Priority Mail 1-DayTM</MailService><Rate>5.60</Rate><CommercialRate>5.05</CommercialRate><SpecialServices><SpecialService><ServiceID>9</ServiceID><ServiceName>Certificate of Mailing</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>1.20</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>1</ServiceID><ServiceName>Insurance</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>1.95</Price><PriceOnline>1.95</PriceOnline><DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired><DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>5</ServiceID><ServiceName>Registered MailTM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>11.20</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline><DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired><DueSenderRequired>false</DueSenderRequired></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>4</ServiceID><ServiceName>Registered without Insurance</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>11.20</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>0</ServiceID><ServiceName>Certified MailRM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>3.10</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>13</ServiceID><ServiceName>USPS TrackingTM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>0.00</Price><PriceOnline>0.00</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>7</ServiceID><ServiceName>Return Receipt for Merchandise</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>4.10</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>15</ServiceID><ServiceName>Signature ConfirmationTM</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>2.70</Price><PriceOnline>2.20</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>19</ServiceID><ServiceName>Adult Signature Required</ServiceName><Available>false</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>0</Price><PriceOnline>4.95</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>20</ServiceID><ServiceName>Adult Signature Restricted Delivery</ServiceName><Available>false</Available><AvailableOnline>true</AvailableOnline><Price>0</Price><PriceOnline>5.15</PriceOnline></SpecialService><SpecialService><ServiceID>6</ServiceID><ServiceName>Collect on Delivery</ServiceName><Available>true</Available><AvailableOnline>false</AvailableOnline><Price>6.45</Price><PriceOnline>0</PriceOnline><DeclaredValueRequired>true</DeclaredValueRequired><DueSenderRequired>true</DueSenderRequired></SpecialService></SpecialServices></Postage></Package></RateV4Response>

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You're getting a rate returned for First Class Parcel. You should be seeing that on the catalog side if you have 1st-Class Parcel selected. Remove any weight restrictions if you have them set. Otherwise I can't see anything wrong.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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I give up I guess. Why do they have to "fix" what isn't broken? This was working fine before the USPS changes, using the default weights of 0 and 70 in every column and with the handling charges to cover extra options that are included in every shipment like tracking. But I tried it without any weights, tried changing it to a max of .8125 the max weight of FC, tried removing the handling charges, everything I can think of.


I don't even have an option for First Class Parcel in the admin, only "1st-Class"






Tried using the image link and it broke the links, guess they need to be copied and pasted. Shrugs.

Edited by Erock
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That's not the latest version. Make sure you have the latest, then remove and reinstall the module. And don't set the Max limit for First Class to less than 1 or it will fail.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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60% is way too high. Tare should normally be less than 10% unless you are shipping very light items.


You should take a look at your product weights. Also check your settings in this module: setting Online rates when you are shipping retail counter can make a big difference.







Thanks for the prompt response. I have checked all that in the module. We also use the UPS XML rates module and it is correctly getting the proper amount for the shipping cost of that item. I did add more weight and it made the UPS rate increase to too high of a level. It's almost like the USPS priority is not seeing it as an over sized item.



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