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The e-commerce.

popup product pictures


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is there a simple way to create a popup picture of a numberplate if the numberplate description ic clicked on?


the background would be the same (a yellow box), but obviously the text in the foreground would change with each numberplate.

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Pass the number plate as a variable on the link ?




<a href="numberplate.php?plate=P1ANO">clcik to see this plate</a>


Then in numberplate.php


<?php echo $plate; ?>


Obviously use your plate graphic as a background picture and increase the font size of $plate to suit.



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Inlcude your custom html boiler plate pop up within this code it can be adapted obviously to work any number of ways. Uses oscommerce inborn javascript code.



<a href="javascript:;" onClick="popupWindow('/finishes.htm(whatever you want make sure you erase me)','','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500(whatever you want make sure you erase me),height=(whatever you want make sure you erase me')">


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