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Add Image above or below an infobox?


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Can someone please tell me how to add an image above or below any given infobox within a column like it has been done here with the Free Shipping Image above the info boxes in column right on http://www.tibetcollection.com ? I need to have the image added to the column but not in the head of any infobox, basically the idea is to add the image as if it were in it's own infobox but with out an actual box around it..I hope that helps :)


Is there a contribution already out there that does this easily? I searched but no luck pulling up anything. Thank you for you help.

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The infoboxes are in the /includes/column_left.php and /includes/column_right.php


You can add to these columns with tables of your own or make your own boxes to contain your images.

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