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Which Image management contribution did you use?


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I searched a lot of posts in the forum, and I noticed that there are serveral contributions that which improve the product images management, such as sm md lg, big image 1.24, image resize, actually, I would like to know which one is the best suit for 2.2 MS1 and which one will be the good one, please help. thanks a lot!


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why dont you just try them one for one, you are the one to decide to keep it or not.

Most of them are very to install & uninstall, but be ALWAYS sure to BACKUP the files you need to adjust FIRST !

Or just rename them on the server like i do,

i just add to the filename (in blue) *.php

and then upload the (changed) file



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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