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2.2-MS2 Version : When could we expect it ?


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Apologies if this is in the wrong category ...


I'm currently setting up my web shop : got 2.2-MS1 working fine, but noticed some planned improvements for the next version, 2.2-MS2. I've currently taken a Daily Snapshot to have a look, and finally got it working with most of my favourite contributions, although I seem to have some odd bugs at the moment, such as the Admin/Customers/Orders screen refusing to show any orders, and the File Manager being broken.


I was wondering what the timescales on the Milestone releases are likely to be ? I know, it's "when it's finished !", but could any early indication be given as to an approximation ? I don't really want to setup my shop, with all the mod's on it, simply to find that 2-3 weeks later, I need to go through the whole process again (I appreciate that the mods won't slot straight in, but I can modify them myself).

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Don't bounce, it is against the forum rules and annoying.


What if we would release MS2 tomorrow...

that would mean you'd have exactly the same problem regarding version MS3...


or wouldn't it?

"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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The release of MS1 was a delayed a week than what was planned.


It is too early to know when MS2 will be ready - one of the last big entries to take care of is the My Account work.


If you subscribe to the CVS commit mailing list, you can get a feel for how our progress is going.

:heart:, osCommerce

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