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make a new configuration page for my module in backoffice


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Hello Everybody,

I'm writing a new module for oscommerce and actually I need to know how to add a "new tab or new link" in configuration part of the backoffice(admin side) which could be linked to "a new page" made by myself... I don't know if it's possible,is it?


why I need this ? I want the administrator of the site to have a button which let him export some shipping orders or call directly a specified webservice via another button.


please help me... I'm totally stuck...

thanks a lot in advance


Someone could probably answer that if you told us which version of osCommerce you're developing for,




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


check your admin/includes/column_left.php, it lists all the boxes in your admin.


you will need to decide whether you want to create a completely new box or add a new link to an existing box.


in any case, check this file and one of the box files as sample code to create your own.




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


my toolbox: Textpad - Compare and Merge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP - Photoshop - How to search the forum


Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

my advice on the forum is for free, PMs where you send me work are considered consultation which I charge for ...

  • 8 months later...

Hi Miri, Jim, Monika, I have the same thought of making new configuration box in the backend.

1. I copy admin/includes/boxes/configration.php

2. rename it as config_extra.php


 $cl_box_groups[] = array(
   'apps' => array(
       'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADMINISTRATORS)


 $config_extra_groups_query = tep_db_query("select config_extra_group_id as cegID, config_extra_group_title as cegTitle from " . TABLE_CONFIG_EXTRA_GROUP . " where visible = '1' order by sort_order");
 while ($config_extra_groups = tep_db_fetch_array($config_extra_groups_query)) {
   $cl_box_groups[sizeof($cl_box_groups)-1]['apps'][] = array(
     'title' => $config_extra_groups['cegTitle'],
  //      'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIG_EXTRA, 'gID=' . $config_extra_groups['cegID'])
     'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIG_EXTRA, 'egID=' . $config_extra_groups['cegID'])


And I also make extra tables: config_extra and config_extra_group


I make the box appear with addons configurations I want to show up

(in my case SEO Sitemap, Products Specifications, Stock Update),

the problem is that I can click the EDIT button, but I can not make the change as when I click on save, it doesn't do anything. (this is the case if I set the filename as FILENAME_CONFIGURATION; if it is FILENAME_CONFIG_EXTRA, it just showed 404 error the page can not be found)


Any suggestion about what I did wrong?

I can pm the link and login details of my testsite if someone there can help with my problem.


Many thanks in advance.




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