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Protx Payment Module


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I have installed the latest version of the Protx Form Payment Module and have recieved my test vendor name, password and encryption password from Protx. I have entered the vendor name and password in the admin section of the module but now I have hit problems:


I get the error that 'No VendorTx Code has been supplied'


I also have no idea where I should be placing the encryption password given to me by Protx.


I am running the payment module in test mode and I had no problems when using the default test vendor id's etc.


Please Help!!! :cry:



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I have the same problem - but didn't understand your solution.


I was given a username/password and encryption key from Protx. If i user the 'testvendor' user/pass on the Protx Form it works okay - as i can do test transactions.


But if i use the username/password they have given me i get the following error:


Incomplete information submitted. No VendorTxCode supplied.


Anyone know what this means? And more importantly - where do i put the encryption key?





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I've just installed this mod on my test server:


I've just done my 1st test, and it comes back with:


Couldn't create a transaction (VRTXInvalidIPAddress, )


This is the post of the vars sent to the protx test server:


VPSProtocol=2.20&TxType=PAYMENT&Vendor=xxxxxx&VendorTxCode=2-20030428121005&Amount=22.62&Currency=GBP&Description=ITSUPPLIES&CardHolder=John letcher&CardNumber=4000000000000002&StartDate=0103&ExpiryDate=0803&IssueNumber=&CV2=123&CardType=JCB&Address=2 Garden Drive&PostCode=co3 9gs



Looking the protx docs, it seems they may be in the wrong order.. But the error returned shows its more than likely an IP address issue!?


Protx have setup my test/live ip's on their servers.


Can any shed any light on this!?






Using: https://ukvps.protx.com/vpsdirectauth/payme...mentgateway.asp


PS VENDOR NAME CHANGED TO XXXXX so not to show it ;-)

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