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The e-commerce.

Simple Integration Method (SIM) Authorize.net


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Hi Everyone,


I installed an osCommerce Cart for a client 12/16/02 (tep_snapshot-20021215). Is there anyone who has successfully updated the files to be compliant with the new Authorize.net requirements?


If so, could you provide the names of the files that need to be replaced and/or updated?


I've been through the forums and found bits/pieces of instructions, but nothing step-by-step.


Thanks in advance.


Jackie M

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I installed the mod (updated the general.php files and installed the 2 authorizenet.php files) and now receive the following error when after entering


Credit Card Owner:

Credit Card Number:

Credit Card Expiry Date:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: str_pad() in includes/modules/payment/authorizenet.php on line 70


Any ideas why? Thanks!



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