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New PHP Scire ---- CorePHP Scripts

seCret steVe

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CorePHP Scripts is now my project i am starting, and as most of you know im just a begging in php. Im looking for any input for the site as well as possible help for the up and comning programs. Ill be setting up a cvs so that the files can be worked on....although im still working on learning the site for sourceforge so that will be coming in time. So please visit the site and beggin the new PHP generation. IF you have a script and want that to be part of CorePHP Scripts...feel free to email me about it with your details.


Thanks for your time and hope you enjoy the new site as well as the up and coming programs from your community developers

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why i created it. To release unique php programs to the public. Free of use. to multiport programs that some people want to use.


As well as it will be database of codes for people to use. Begginers, learners, advanced php programmers for referancing. I wanted to start something differant and here is where im going to try to make the differance. Programs and working world codes under one house. Not codes that dont work in the normal day situations or will only work with certain php 3.x or what not. That will work no matter what.


Yeah it may sound a bit weird at first but just think of the possiblities. I have gone to many sites with only leaving with nothing and learning nothing. My goal is to make it a useful site as well as help developers get there codes out there. Nothing will happen over night. Heck it took 1 1/2 for osCommerce to get where it is today. It will possibly take me that long as well. But im willing to work towards it.


Hope that helps for a better understanding.



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I think it is a good idea. Most of the sites that I have visited can be very intimidating. Or, they support all languages, asp, java, javasript and others. Nothing wrong with that though, but just can get confusing. Or, when you do download a script, they don't work. I think you should go for it 100% and have the best Open source PHP site on the web.



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- Harold: And the project is going strong....if you dont mind i would like to put a link on my site to yours....if that is ok with you.....and im going to work hard on this project.....and by the way you were the person that inspired me to pursue this.....


- Too Cool Crazy: Thanks much. And im going to work on not making it intimdating and just straight PHP.....and easy to use and navigate site.


Thanks again and hope to hear some opinions

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