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Can I add other fields to the product admin?


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I've searched and searched, and cant find it.


I want to be able to add things like the supplier name, and the supplier price and other things like that to the admin section of each product, but not have the customer see it.


The only contribution I can find is the one that lets a supplier add their own items. That isn't what I want.


Does anyone know of a contrib or an addon that will do this?


(warning, Noobie here)

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I've searched and searched, and cant find it.


I want to be able to add things like the supplier name, and the supplier price and other things like that to the admin section of each product, but not have the customer see it.


The only contribution I can find is the one that lets a supplier add their own items. That isn't what I want.


Does anyone know of a contrib or an addon that will do this?


(warning, Noobie here)

If you want to add fields for a specific purpose, then you should search the addons section since it has probably already been done and would save you have to code it. But if you are wanting to add fields that can't be found in a contribution, then I suggest you use the add more fields addon.

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