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product problem with osc 2.3


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hello forum,


i hae had 2.2 live for some time with osc2.2 database


here is where i am databases --osc2.2 and database osc2.3 are added on my local host.

i installed oscommerce 2.3 and everything is fine so far.


now i have matched osc 2.2 structure with structure of osc 2.3 database tables and imported the

structure and data for these tables:


address_book, address_format, categories, customers_basket, customers_basket_attributes, customers_info, manufacturers, manufacturers_info, newsletters, orders_products, orders_products_attributes, orders_products_download, orders_status, orders_status_history, orders_total, products_attributes, products_images, products_notifications, products_options_values, products_options_values_to_products_options, products_to_categories, reviews_description,

sec_directory_whitelist, sessions, specials.



then i imported the products table.


when i went to check my mysite.com/catalog page in the left coumn under categories none of my

categories are listed and also, under mysite.com/catalog/admin i have no products listed.



i felt that i was doing this right. can someone suggest something. i am lost.



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if i simplify the previous post.


working 2.3 install,then when a matched structured 2.2 database (products table) is imported successfully.


they products do not show up on the 2.3 install --in the admin(catalog/products) or on the catalog/ page of the new install.





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