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Products attributes


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Is there a way to see the right price in the dropdown window of a probuct?

ex: 30ml = 14.99

100ml =+13.00

250ml =+33.00

My question ...Is it possible to see the real price in the dropdown window?

ex: 30ml =14.99

100ml =27.99

250ml =47.99




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Yes ...


You set the products_price to 0 and then the full price on the attributes.


If you use not negative attribute prices, just remove the prefix from the display


.. or rewrite the IF statement on the attributes calculation from comparing if the price_prefix =='+' to price_prefix=='-' and reverse the logic. I think there are two places to change that code. This way no prefix is assumed to be + rather than the current method where no prefix is assumed to be -


Then, modify the price display to calculate the lowest prices attribute from each attribute group of the product and show that as the price, since that is the lowest you can buy it for.

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Thank's Linda


But in what file do i make these changes , i've check for the IF statement in admin/products_attributes.php and did not find anything




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this is definitely headed in the direction I want to go but...


Having $0.00 prices looks dang funny in the shopping cart. I can of course remove prices from the product info display and place it in the description with those products with no attributes. And I'm sure I can remove the prices off the featured products once I start digging.


But I don't want those $0.00 prices to show up where the customer needs clarity for their pocketbook; i.e.: the shopping cart. But not all of my prices will be zeroed out. I guess an if statement is in order but I'm not that confident of my coding skills.


Am I right in my assumptions? Or have I gone off track?


Thanks in advance. I just went online with my store today and I'm thrilled (with the exception of searching the forums - my search techniques are just not very effective - very frustrating to know the answer is there but can't dig it out!).

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You need an attributes calculator function for products priced by attributes.


I am working on this for both the Attributes Sorter and Copier as well as the Quantity Controller to have this feature so you see on products that are priced as $0 and use the attributes only for their pricing the lowest price of the combined attributes as the product's price.


I have this in the Free Call for Price, but that is very out dated.


The new method will be easily controlled in the Admin and all prices in the Catalog will know how to use it.

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good deal. I can't wait to get it! Please post here when it's done. Would there be any point in trying the free call for price? I need the free shipping module and had installed it but it didn't work right for some reason - wouldn't show the shipping choices correctly so haven't fooled with it anymore.

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What would usefull is to have "Frrom" in front of the cheapest price in those products where different sizes are available. Just a suggestion but not sure how to do this. Linda, I look forward to your updated contribution too! Thanks for all your hard work

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good deal. I can't wait to get it! Please post here when it's done. Would there be any point in trying the free call for price? I need the free shipping module and had installed it but it didn't work right for some reason - wouldn't show the shipping choices correctly so haven't fooled with it anymore.


I would not recommend Free Call for Price for MS1


For the Free Shipping and Payment modules get Downloads Controller v5.3 it has the code rewritten to work with MS1

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What would usefull is to have "Frrom" in front of the cheapest price in those products where different sizes are available. Just a suggestion but not sure how to do this. Linda, I look forward to your updated contribution too! Thanks for all your hard work


I am not sure what you are saying you want in front of the cheapest price.


The way I calculate the cheapest price is:


products_price + (total of the lowest attribute price in each attribute group)


If there is not products_price then just the total of the lowest attribute price from each group is used.


There is a flag in the products table that you would set to say you want to price by attributes. This prevents confusion on things you want priced as Free or something else where products_price may = 0

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  • 1 month later...

what is the status of this??? i'm trying to accomplish the same thing... displaying the actual price of the product, instead of product_price +/- attribute price. making the product_price =0 seems like a hack to me. thanks in advance for your reply. i'm needing to take care of this.

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It's on the any day to be done ... :D


Just cleaning up code now and finishing up any bugs I come across. I cannot wait to be done with this one either so I can go make it better ... :D

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Good deal. i have edited product_info.php to display the product_price +/- attribute_price, but that's all it does. this is as far as i've gotten. i can't figure out how to do the actual calculation(s)... i wish i were a better coder. give it time and help, eh? thanks, linda. i see your name on here all the time, you're a wonderful help to the OSC board and community!


while ($products_options = tep_db_fetch_array($products_options_query)) {

         $products_options_array[] = array('id' => $products_options['products_options_values_id'], 'text' => $products_options['products_options_values_name']);

         if ($products_options['options_values_price'] != '0') {

	 // ------------ MINUS ---------

	 if ($products_options['price_prefix'] == '-') { 	 

	 //echo ("minus");

	 $products_options_array[sizeof($products_options_array)-1]['text'] .= ' (' . $products_price . $products_options['price_prefix'] . $currencies->display_price($products_options['options_values_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id'])) .') ';



	 // ----------- PLUS ------------

	 if ($products_options['price_prefix'] == '+') {

	 //echo ("plus");

	 $products_options_array[sizeof($products_options_array)-1]['text'] .= ' (' . $products_price . $products_options['price_prefix'] . $currencies->display_price($products_options['options_values_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id'])) .') ';




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