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The e-commerce.

Problem with Graduated Prices (StaffelPreis)


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after installing the contrib, all my products that have NO graduated prices, shows 0 in the shopping cart.


is there a possibility to change the contrib in that way that it shows graduated prices only for that products, which i have set ?



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Same problem, found the solution:


open includes/classes/shopping_cart.php


find the lines off this add-on:


replace the first lines with:


$rabatt_query = tep_db_query("select quantity, unitprice from " . TABLE_PRICES . " where products_id = $prid " . " and quantity <= $qty order by quantity desc");

if( tep_db_num_rows($rabatt_query))


$rabatt_price = tep_db_fetch_array($rabatt_query);

// $products_price = $rabatt_price['unitprice'] * (1 + $products_tax/100);

if ($rabatt_price['unitprice'] != '0.0000'){

$products_price = $rabatt_price['unitprice'];




note the line that shows: "if ($rabatt_price['unitprice'] != '0.0000'){"

only when the unitprice is more than 0.0000 than the script has to change the value of products_price to the staffelpreis.


for the second group of lines this is the same solution:


// Start www.TheWebSite.de - Aenderung Staffelpreise


$qty = $this->contents[$products_id]['qty'];

$rabatt_query = tep_db_query("select quantity, unitprice from " . TABLE_PRICES . " where products_id = $prid " . " and quantity <= $qty order by quantity desc");

if( tep_db_num_rows($rabatt_query))


$rabatt_price = tep_db_fetch_array($rabatt_query);

// $products_price = $rabatt_price['unitprice'] * (1 + $products_tax/100);

if ($rabatt_price['unitprice'] != '0.0000'){

$products_price = $rabatt_price['unitprice'];



// ENDE der Aenderungen www.TheWebSite.de


and it's fixed.


good luck.

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On a similar topic, does anyone know how to modify the code so that the text only appears in the item description if there is a graduated discount? By default, you get the text saying "Graduated Prices" (or whatever you have changed it to) and then...no prices! I guess it needs an "if" clause around the output, based on the number of records retrieved...no records = no text.


I'm sorry , PHP isn't in my bag of skills!

Many Thanks,



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Normally Specials and Staffelpreis will not work together.

However, it can be done with a lot of coding. If it's still a problem for you,

please e-mail me so i can explain how it can be done. It will only work when you enter a percentage to deduct at the Specials module.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Erwin, I was wondering if that offer applies to all. I have a rough idea of how it might be done (staffelpreis and specials), but what I am thinking might be more than is necessary. Can you send me examples or a description of what you've done? Thanks.

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