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The e-commerce.

Please comment on this store ........ not yet finished.


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A bit over the top if you ask me...

"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your header is disjointed and is not aesthetically pleasing.


The rest of the colors need some work to flow a little better. They tend to clash with the standard infobox format.


There is too much scrolling text. You have a banner scrolling right to left and an infobox scrolling bottom to top. They are very annoying and distracting.


Get rid of infoboxes you aren't using like best seller and reviews. Make the site simpler and less congested. Just because OSC supports 50 million features doesn't mean you need to use them all.


Some of your product descriptions are over the top and make the entire outfit look like a scam. I wouldn't purchase anything from you because I would be afraid you will take my money and run. Maybe a more professional site layout would help in this regard.


Hope this helps.

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It is a bit of a mish-mash of a site, everything is sort of just chucked in there.

The green is a little over powering too, and could perhaps be toned down to a lighter shade, perhaps even pastel green. :?


Your images most definately do need work.

Very poor quality and they dont exactly fit together in a fluid manner.


In honesty, it is not a store I would buy from. Soz. :(



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Many thanks for the constructive remarks.


I am learning and have made some changes.

I still can't get the formatting in the latest News

contribution right.

As for the colour scheme I am searching !


I do however think that many of the contributions

must be integral to the site. (At present I have 3 ISPs

provinding different elements like Newsletter, Affiliates etc)


It is one thing to have a nice cart but the reality of

sending customers there and getting them to go there

when they want to buy something is different.


I believe many of the contributions help towards this.

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Don't get discouraged.

We all started somewhere :wink:


I would also go with some lighter colors, maybe pastels for these products you have. Also the text on the entry page could be smaller and lighter (not bold) to make it easier to read and friendlier. :)


and it's true, there is way too much going on, making your visitor get confused, and leave.


I would also change the color of the links on the top onMouse_over.


Good luck!




* * * * *

Find a way, or make one!

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oh, 1more thing...


There is nothing wrong using the contributions, you just have to find the right ones. And make sure if you take so much time to gather you visitors, they won't run when they get to your store. :)






* * * * *

Find a way, or make one!

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1. This is a greate contribution, But...

2. Try to click on image ("Click to enlarge")

What will you see?


I think it is a bug of COOLMENU.

But everything is OK at author site!



Please give a link here for fixing this bug!

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Many thanks for pointing it out

I have figured it andcorrected the problem


The original instruction said to add the script to

"EVERY" page in the cataloge directory.


Well there are some exceptions .

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