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:) Hey, freerangemum, some hosts support default.EXT as a valid root document. ;) Besides, if available, I think that can be specified as an option using .htaccess and apache... which would save the time of changing file names around. (though, if specified by .htaccess... it may put an additional load on the server)


So, seeing as some hosts support default.EXT... after installing to your root... test it before going around changing file names. ;) As suggested... you should delete the current default document (index.htm or whatever) before testing this... otherwise, that document may be shown as it may be given priority over a differently named default document in the same directory.


If it doesn't work... then try changing default.php to index.php. Remember to rename the default.php include file in your language specific directory too, or I don't think it will work... based on what I have read here... not experience.

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