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database backup problem


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I need to backup my test database and I get the following error in admin when I try and run the backup:


Error: Backup directory does not exist. Please set this in configure.php.


I wasn't sure what to set up in configure.php but searched these boards and found:


define('DIR_FS_BACKUP', DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'c:/phpdev/www/catalog/admin/backups/');


which made no difference (still got the above error)


What simple thing am I missing?

Why wasn't this set up as part of the install?

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Yes, I should have realised that :oops: thanks.


I successfully backed up, eventually, but not before:


1st attempt was backing up for 5 minutes and the 'gas bar' didn't seem to be getting any bigger so I cancelled. The crash that followed corrupted the database which I solved by repairing the banners.history table


2nd attempt, appeared to be backing up for about 1 minute and then crashed. repaired the same table and rebooted.


3rd attempt everything was ok, backup was created.


Is this a common problem?

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it could be depending on the size of your database.


oscommerce effectly uses the mysqldump command which can take a few seconds, but not very long.

Kindest Regards,


Carl Pickering


If there is light at the end of the tunnel, switch it off. I have to save on my electricity bill

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