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The e-commerce.

spalsh page with just a manufacters Dropdown link to the


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What i am asking is there away to /


Say I have a splash page with the manufacters drop down menu on it.


when one is selected it will open up to the defualt page with the catagories on the (left nav) that will be specific to that manufacter.




Site sells tools of differant manufacters. All catagories are the same for each manufacter(hammers,saws,drills etc.)


Now if I want to let the user select a manufacter and the have the have him or her taken to a page with a left nav(catagories)ie:hammers,saws,drills,etc. open and the only products that show are the ones from that manufacter and not the other's

Is this possible


Remember all splash page jump menu (manufacters) --that is all that is on that page.

All pages that they are sent to have the exact same catagories --nav on the left have side --hammers etc


files would be


category mills tools / catagories hammers / products claw,frammers


kinda like the drop down in the site but taking it to a splash page and keeping the catagories


Hope that makes sense

Any input is greatly apprec



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