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I can't seem to get the module to work and don't know where to look to fix. this is what it says in checkout

United Parcel Service shipping_ups.gifpixel_trans.gifpixel_trans.gif :

If you prefer to use UPS as your shipping method, please contact Foxfire Herbals Store via Email.


As far as I can remember there are instructions in the contributions how to troubleshoot this by logging the outgoing message and incoming xml message.


After 2-3 yrs of this Mod working flawless, I am also having the same error. Just started to happen in the last 12 hrs or so.


Error from cURL: Error [7]: couldn't connect to host experienced by customer with id 12 on 2011-09-04 15:45:09

UPSXML Rates Error: : experienced by customer with id 12 on 2011-09-04 15:45:09

Posted (edited)

I have tried all of the error logs and I get no errors or emails. It looks to me like there is just something wrong with the code with the colon and then the message but I can't seem to find that code to see if I can see anything wrong with it. I am not a programer so I am really at a loss here and don't know what else to do other then to only us USPS for shipping as that module seems to work fine for me. Here is what it does


Edited by jnillaw

I belive this is not our problem. UPS.com was hacked yesterday. Whats odd as there are only 2 people with this issue? Either we have old code, no one else is using this, or no one else cares




I did a work around on my site and I was acutually thinking about going to a flat rate UPS system anyhow and looks like this is making me do it


Mine stopped working yesterday afternoon and still not back... UPS was having issues but they seem to be up again so hopefully the shipping module will start working again.

Log Cabin Fever Gifts


It seems that UPS.com is working. However, as a result of the hack, I wonder if the XML rate feed will simply be restored or if the feed will be modified, requiring OSC changes.


I have had this problem even last week. I have never gotten the module to work from day one of install so I know my issue is not related to usp being down.


It seems that UPS.com is working. However, as a result of the hack, I wonder if the XML rate feed will simply be restored or if the feed will be modified, requiring OSC changes.

The hack was a DNS redirect, not a hack of the UPS servers. I doubt that the feed has changed.




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I started seeing this error starting today


"This module supports only xpci version 1.0001 of the UPS Rates Interface. Please contact the webmaster for additional assistance."


I am still having a problem. this is really frustrating not being able to get any answers. someone please look at my post above with the screen shot of what I get.


Once DNS gets propogated( varies from location to location) that will be sorted.

So just need to wait and watch.



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So Nobody is understanding. I have had this problem since last week when I installed the module. It has nothing to do with the ups problem the other day. I am about ready to give up on this module but really want to have the ups option but don't know how to fix it to work. Once again here is a screen shot of what it does. It looks like there may just be some html messed up but I don't know where to look.



Your screenshot is worthless. That's the generic "I can't get a quote" error message from osCommerce.


If you really want an answer, you're going to have to follow the instructions and enable the logging function in the module.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Can someone please help me with this module? It's installed properly and a UPS technician has told me so. The problem is, I'm not getting multiple methods. I have the option to "edit" the shipping method and nothing redirects, it just refreshes the checkout_confirmation page so I'm stuck with UPS Ground. I don't know enough about php to find the problem.


Will someone give me a hand?




I tried following the instructions to enable the logging functions but I get nothing in the logs so obviously I didn't do something right. I guess I will go back and try it again. Maybe the link to where the file should go is not the correct path.


I give up for now. I went back and changed the path in the upsxml.php file and still no logs. I am just going to turn UPS off and go with USPS for now. Can't get any real help on this board

  • 3 weeks later...

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