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Avoiding Cpanel login/password issues


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Apparently, there is a login/password issue in Cpanel v6.0


I am not sure if this extends to other versions.


Let's say you setup your domain with:


Login: Fred32

Password: FredOnly123


You then create your database with the same login and password because it is so convenient to remember just one set.


You setup osC and all is working well.


Later, you login to Cpanel, but type the password wrong:


Login: Fred32

Password: FredOnly124


All of a sudden, you are getting database login errors in osC ... :shock:


To fix this:

Close your browser ...

Go to Cpanel with the right login and password ...

Go to Manage MySQL ...


Everything magically is fixed.


Solution to avoid this whole problem:


Create your Database ...

Setup a New User and Login

Use the New User and Login in the configure.php files


This avoids the Cpanel bug ...

This is more secure ...


How do I know this happens?! :shock:


Go freak yourself out and have this happen, not once ... but twice ... and try to solve the issue in 2-5 minutes because there are tons of customers on the site shopping ... 8)


How did I come up with the cause and solution? Type really, really fast with your adrenaline running on high in a total state of panic ... :rockedover:

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the server I am running on is set up specifically to keep the two logins from being the same...


no matter what u put in the DBuser to be, the cPanel automatically puts the serverUser in front of it, to #1 keep different serverUsers from having the same DBuser name and now #2 to avoid what u mentioned above... it also does this with DBnames to avoid duplicate databases...


example u go into cPanel and set up a new database:


dBname: dBname

dBuser: dBuser

password: password


and Cpanel sets it up like this for you:


dBname: serverUser_dBname

dBuser: serverUser_dBuser

password: password


like u said it would be just as easy to set them up similar to that yourself, but sure was nice of our server admin to set up cPanel 6 to do that for us :)

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My Cpanel v6.0 does set up new users that way with the prefix_newname, but I can still use the main login and password.


It's when the original login and password for the server is used and you happen to hit the bug on password length that the problem can occur.

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