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Database not updated


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If I add or change anything in the administration area it doesn't update the database correctly. If I add a new product or category it creates it and leaves all the fields null. If I modify and existing category or product it doesn't make the change in the database. The setup area seems to update the database fine. The permissions for the database user are all granted.



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After 3 days and 17 views it doesn't appear anyone has an answer. I can't add or update products or categories. I can't do without these features so I'm going to look for another solution. I'll leave the notification on in the hopes that someone else has had this problem and resolved it. I'll also watch for a new release and give that a try.


Looks like this is a great product when it works.



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I don't know enough to tell you what the problem is but mine works correctly and I am sure that everybody elses does too. Since this post is back at the top maybe someone else will see it and be able to help.

All that is not eternal is eternally useless.

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Sometimes if you do not have an ID assigned in the database the record will not update.


Take for example:

I use easy populate to upload my products. However, If I forget to create the catagories first, easy populate creates the catagory for me, but here is the problem. Easy populate only supports one language so when it creates the catagories it only creates the english description. If I try to update it and add the spanish field through admin it doesn't work because there is no language ID associated to the field so it doesn't know where to put it in the database.

I am used to this problem so IK just gointo myphpadmin and create a null record for that particular id then I can update it throuhg admin.


Hopefully this example will give you some ideas of where to look. However if you are still having troubles and can provide a little more information, There are some awesome wizards in this forum who may be able to help out.


HTH, Tony

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I just reinstalled it again. Heres what I did:


Downloaded the Snapshot.

Dropped and created the database and gave the user ALL Priveleges.

Unzipped the files and moved them to my document root.

Used the browser install which went without any problem.

I then click on the Adminitstration link > Configuration > Catalog > Categories/Products.

I then click on the edit button which brings up the Category Name. I change the name and click save. The name remains the same. So I click the new category button > Enter the name, 1 for the sort order, I use an existing graphic > save. Now I am presented with a new category at the top of my list with a blank name. If I select it and click edit all fields are empty. The same goes for the products.


Everything in the configuration menu seems to work OK and I can create orders.


- Thanks for your help

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Go into phpMyAdmin


Goto your database


Click on categories_description table


Look and see that you have the description!


Should see three fields: Catagories_id, Language_id and Catagories_name.


You should have one record for each language_id. IE:

156 1 3D Plates = English Description for catagory_id 156

156 3 3D Chapa = Spanish Description for catagory_id 156


When I was having my problem I would only get

156 1 3D Plates and would have to add the other one because there was no language_id for it. therefore, I would add a new record with 156 3 and just leave it null or add the description here. After that I could modify it in admin.


I was able to add a new record through the admin and was able to edit/save all the fields. This only occured when I uploaded through easy populate which I have figured out how to work around.


I am not sure why you can't add a new record through admin cause that always worked for me!


HTH, Tony

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I have three new records in categories_description.


categories_id language_id categories_name

21 1

21 2

21 3


With no description.


When I edit this row to add the description in PhpAdmin I get the error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax near '() VALUES ()' at line 1

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What are you using for the catagory name?



Looks like you got three languages I am assuming English, Dutch and Spanish since that is the default.


Don't use the drop down box for the function in phpmyadmin, just type the text in the text box. I tried using ascii once and it didn't like it so I left the function fields blank and it worked.


hth, Tony

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I was able to update the category name via:

update categories_description

set categories_name = 'Audio'

where categories_id=21;


This worked. I have a feeling the category and product creation scripts aren't updating the database.

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I just reinstalled the latest after droping the DB and followed the directions exactly from http://guide.oscdox.com/

I'm having the same problem.


Can't change category name.

If I add a new category it is blank in the list.

Same with products.


If anyone wants to hack at it here it is: (I'll add the .htaccess later)



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I have the exact same problem. And I have been searching all night for an answer. I am new to osCommerce. I installed it on my development machine running windows/php/mysql and it worked great. No issues.


I installed it on Linux/apache/php/mysql and can't get it to work no matter how I set the mySQL permissions. I feel like it is a mySQL problem since the scripts work on my windows box.


I hope someone has some insight here.

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I looked at your files Eric and it looks to me like you have some permission problems for one thing. I'm new to this also, but have mine up and running plus some mods.


I don't remember which ones require it, but some need to be 777 for the system to write files, none of yours are. From what I recall, during the initial stages of install, there is a link for a help site that tells exactly which files need to be 777.


Otherwise, maybe if you did another post asking about permissions for particular files on installation.


If you look around, you'll find the answer. this is a great group.



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i have the same problem and haven't looked at it yet, not that important since i use phpmyadmin a lot.


When you delete/add a language then the problems do start.


It was working fine with my 2.2 CVS version from end of february.


After i deleted the extra languages and reuploaded them again a week later or so, then the edit function seem to stop working.


So somewhere the function to count the amount of languages is not working right.


the file is categories.php in ADMIN area, longgggg file


will let you know when i will look at it...


to be continued...someday.... no due date



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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